Having ridden the new stuff a couple of times now, I’m about 80% happy.
I like the new stuff. It’s fun, and I’m crap at it, but I can’t help but get better riding it once a week or so. And it won’t be rubbish in the winter (or summer, or any other season when it rains for a week solidly).
That’s the good 80%.
The other 20% mourns the passing of some good trails, which didn’t (in my opinion) require such a high level of intervention. If you look at the kind of work the BTG do, it really enhances the existing trails whilst keeping the original feel, but this is just wiping out old and replacing with something totally different.
It doesn’t really feel like mountain biking to me, or at least makes me feel as though I have wandered into an unfamiliar sub-culture.
I think I just wish we could have had both (maybe it’s time to reclaim the old pr0n trail that was wrecked by the loggers a few years back?)