I can see why it’s not a big deal to some people. And in the grand scheme of things, it’s not….there’s always a lamp post, or something. But you can imagine the outcry if their little display was erected in the disabled parking bays.
Crikey, Jeremy Clarkson and James May were given permission to use a store’s disabled parking bays for a feature whilst the store was closed and they made front page headlines.
And that’s the thing. Because it’s ‘just’ cyclists, no one cares. We’re at the bottom of the pecking order, so ASDA for one have decided to take the p*$$. And if a massive corp like ASDA are going to take the p*$$ then we don’t really stand a chance in gaining any recognition as worthy members of the human species.
If it were me, I’d be tempted to write to my local MP. And then the local papers. ASDA head office. Etc. I’d milk it.