Six feet tall Bit short of that.
Muscly, toned and athletic Yes
Brown eyes No
Short dark hair Grey
Smart dress sense Ha!
A beer / lager drinker No Lager fizzy pish.
Non smoker Smoe some things.
Wears smart jeans, shirt and a
V-neck jumper No
Gets ready in 17 minutes Way less than that.
Stylish In my special way.
Wants a family Wouldn’t say no but not going to happen now.
Earns £48,000 a year Much less.
Loves shopping No.
Eats meat Sometimes.
Clean shaven Sometimes.
Smooth chest Yes.
Watches soaps No.
Enjoys watching football No.
Drives an Audi VW Tansporter.
Educated to degree level Yes.
Earns more than you Probably not.
Jokes around and has a laugh Yes.
Sensitive when you are upset Sometimes.
Tells you he loves you only when he means it Yes dear.
Wot a load of tosh. Am I perfect?