I struggle with long sentences
FWIW I have , and wear :-
Deck shoes – 15 years old and comfiest shoes I’ve got. They’ve been soaked in salt and fresh water, mud, neglected and still refuse to look anything other than great IMO.
Sandals – cheap synthetic pair bought in Cyprus 14 years ago and have walked 100’s miles, been swimming, rock scrambling etc. – also refuse to die
Flip-flops – 2 pairs, one cheap thick soled beauties bought by a French friend some years ago and are mega comfy even though the thong part has been repaired several times. The other pair, IXS Backcountry (fashionable !!?) bought from CRC last year and are too hard and not comfy at all.
TBH I don’t know what’s worse, people actually discussing this as if they really care, or me actually bothering to post as I couldn’t give a monkeys chuff if others disapprove of my choice of footwear or the fact I am over 50 and still wear flip-flops, deck shoes, sandals, jeans and ………..wait for it…..hoodies.
I should obviously be stabbed with something pointy and become my Grandad 8)
EDIT: I draw the line at lycra – but that is purely due to vanity and having bumps where there shouldn’t really be any.