Until 2 years ago I used to sell jams (rhubarb and ginger, bilberry, apple and blackberry, gooseberry, etc) / preserves (seasonal and various) / curd (lemon, lime, orange and mandarin) / honey / eggs. All home grown (or picked) and hand made by me, including honey as I had a few hives back then.
It was going well until the summer before last when trade just fell off a cliff. Still got a few hens and sell to friends what I don’t eat myself. I asked people who stopped buying why and although they loved what I made, it was basically cheaper to buy in the supermarket.
I charged what I could but in the end I couldn’t compete – £2.50 for 480g of good jam couldn’t compete against £1.20 for 480g of OK jam in Tesco. Eggs too, £1 for 6 brill eggs against £1.50 for 12 watery ones.
Shame as I really thought it would work out, but thats how it goes.