Home Forums Chat Forum Anyone in a job they actually enjoy?

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  • Anyone in a job they actually enjoy?
  • Aristotle
    Free Member

    Woodsman, your business looks good.
    Are you a coach-builder by trade?

    Free Member

    I'm a fluffer by trade. But at weekends I really get going. I punch holes in pikelets.

    Free Member

    By some strange co-incidence I am also a project manager but from an IT background, very similar to the last couple of postsfrom engineers, did well at school, uni (law degree…) no idea what I wanted to do, still don't. Managed to drift into a pretty well paid job but feel wholly unsatisified or challenged. Just hit 31 and having the whole 'is this it then' type thoughts….

    As some one said coming up with ideas is one thing, coming up with ones that don't involve taking a massive financial loss or risk is another…

    This post is food for thought!

    Full Member

    Capitalist Pig otherwise known as IT Security business owner.
    Upsides: we can do what we want, good bunch of guys working for me,ummm can't think of many more which is worrying.
    Downsides: Lots of stress and pressure when its your knackers on the line, too much work and not enough trustworthy and good people, always concerned about keeping the funnel full, people saying "It must be great to skive off when you want" which I'm sure it is but I have very little recent practical experience of it, can't see an end to this one (sold the last one), cashflow always interesting on a month by month basis, probably take it too seriously

    I need to lighten up I think.

    Full Member

    I am a structural analyst for a large aerospace company – the job is great – very interesting, always learning and developing new methodologies, testing stuff until it breaks, influencing designs etc. There is only 2 of us as well, which means there is a lot of work.

    I have been doing it for 7 years now and can't imaging doing anything else or working anywhere else as the level of responsibility and the other guys I work with are great.

    Also – the buck kind of stops with us on just about any component we design – so I get to feel all important which is good for the ego! Telling someone their design is a load of pish can be difficult when a deadline is 1 day away. However, as a specialist we are quite well respected – although the pay in this particular company is mediocre. I could earn 25% more elsewhere.

    Free Member

    Wow what a mixed bunch we are.
    I run a small B2B pr firm, we work in the events industry so it can be great fun mixed with bouts of chaos – fortunately if we cock up no-one dies unlike some of you on here, but we try not to cock up if we can.
    Hats of to you all who have "serious" jobs, esp those in the medical world. I am married to a community midwife so have had 15 years second hand experience of just how hard you work for such little reward and thanks – as we have used you a LOT – a huge thanks from me.
    Right, anyone want to be on the front page of tomorrow's News of the World?

    Full Member

    I develope, license in and sell new technology for a small UK biotech firm. Our areas of development are tests for mental retardation in children and screening for genetic abnormalities in IVF cases. Great job, always fast moving, meet lots of interesting people (science hasn't too many b******ds) and go to plenty of different places. Very fortunate to also have off the scale growth too, bucking the UK trends. Finally work from home about 50% of the time, so plenty of riding.

    Free Member

    A&E doc.

    Mostly fun, occasionally shit, very rewarding….

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