Tricky one this.
My cat in Thailand has apparantely got cancer on one of his feet. The vet wants to do a blood test and see if he is strong enough to survive an amputation.
I don’t feel that is the best option for him and being put to sleep would be the best option.
Generally it’s near impossible to get animals put to sleep there because of the Buddhist side of life.
The cat is 10 years old, weighs in at 8kgs and his whole life is wandering along the roof tops visiting people in the street.
If he was younger I would probably go with the amputation, but at 10 years old, I don’t think it’s partuclarly fair on him. As much as I would miss him when I am there, it looks like the best option.
Problem is it will probably come down to me doing the job myself rather than a vet.
So what are my options?