I is said brave soul! There are two 29er frames Built. Dipper from Gavity sports is having one too. i think Whafe is ready to order one. Nicolai have built one for themselves for evaluation too and the principal behind them agreeing to develop mine was that it may go to production. Should be picking it up in 2 weeks from Nicolai.
That’s lovely George, looks very right. Wish I could use BOS on the 29 but alas not..
The Ion doesn’t necessarily have a ‘better’ linkage curve, just different. It is more DH biased in the suspension response, it won’t be as forgiving of a poorer air shock as the Helius design and whilst providing more anti squat for initial pedalling it correspondingly has more kickback so as with everything…compromise and what you want.
I is the first Nicolai to combine all the current ‘standards’ in one frame that isn’t custom.