Alas, the film (Starship Troopers) is no where near the brilliance of the book and don’t even get me started on the lame effort that is AVP…
Compared to the original graphic novels, the film was a dire, badly acted, poorly scripted waste of time. With the technology that they had at the time, and used partially, they could have done a far better job of it following the proper story.
Back to Alien v Aliens though. You really can’t beat the suspense of the first film, the feeling of isolastion and the darkness. It’s not quite there in Aliens and, in some ways, the Director’s Cut makes it less of a film; the marines have more technology and there is less of that feeling that there are well and truly stuffed.
I still say they should have just taken off and nuked it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.