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  • Alien/Aliens
  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    Now Alien was a good film….just watched Aliens again….I don’t get the rave reviews, it feels like Starship Troopers and not in a good way.

    Free Member

    Best action film ever made, I can think of another film with the same balance of suspense, action, sci-fi and horror, utterly superb in every way.

    Free Member

    It’s so unbelievably camp though….. I spent the whole first half of my rerun (last time I watched it was 10 years ago) laughing my head off at the awful acting and military props.

    Free Member

    It is like 20 years old…

    Free Member

    Depends which version you watched. The longer (? director’s cut) version makes much more sense than the (shorter) original release.

    Personally, I think it’s an excellent film – a fast action counterpoint to the dark tension of the original (or something)…

    Full Member

    I prefer Aliens, though I admit I’m a bigger fan of war and action movies than I am of horror.

    Full Member

    Yep, worst sequel ever.
    And that includes Jaws 2.

    cynic-al – Member

    It is like 20 years old…

    So when do films go ‘off’?

    Full Member

    It is like 20 years old…

    It’s over a quarter of a century old, it was made in 1986.

    It’s an imminently quotable, character-driven slice of 80s action sci-fi, and one of my all-time favourite films. Tremendous fun.

    Free Member

    The longer (? director’s cut) version makes much more sense than the (shorter) original release.

    ^^ That

    I think they are all good, they just get weirder.

    AVP was a nice spin off as well.

    Free Member

    They’re coming outta the walls! They’re coming outta the goddamn walls!

    Free Member

    bwaarp – Member
    Now Alien was a good film….just watched Aliens again….I don’t get the rave reviews, it feels like Starship Troopers and not in a good way.

    I’ve always wondered that too, but then 3 is my favourite.

    Free Member

    What are we supposed to use? Harsh language?

    Free Member

    One of my favourite films of all time. I think it has aged pretty well. I think it is an action film with more depth than most.

    Free Member

    Alien is a fabulous suspense film, but the great thing abut it is setting a certain aesthetic idea of how the future is “used”. There is no other film before it that looks quite like it imo.

    Aliens is a great action movie that steals a lot of its best ideas and visual style from Alien.

    Alien is a brilliant film.

    Free Member

    It is an undisputed scientific fact that Alien is the best film of all time.

    Free Member

    My point is it is a bit dated and influenced a lot that followed.

    If you’ve just seen it…

    Free Member

    I saw it some 10-11 years ago when I was 13-14, it seemed a bit daft then tbh.

    Free Member

    cynic-al – Member
    My point is it is a bit dated and influenced a lot that followed.

    If you’ve just seen it…

    i’d agree with that. i reckon that’s why i think star wars is over rated – because i’m not in the generation who went to the cinema to see it when it was first released (plus the dialogue is awful, some scenes are too long, and Lucas isn’t a very god director…)

    Free Member

    Give the man a prize. Decent troll though, 6/10.. would be an 8.. but you’ve made too many replies in such a short time.

    Free Member

    Prefer Alien and then Alien 3 but watching gung ho yanks take a whooping in Aliens Is always good.

    You’re on an express elevator to hell

    Free Member

    Still my fav film of all time. Musta seen it 20 times.

    Free Member

    Now Alien was a good film….just watched Aliens again….I don’t get the rave reviews, it feels like Starship Troopers and not in a good way

    Starship troopers is a homage to Aliens in a lot of ways, obviouslly, see also big chunks of Avatar…

    Aileien must have been amazing if you saw it when it came out, the fact is now the shock is kind of ruined by the profusion of dolls, figurines sequels and parodies.

    Full Member

    I’ve always wondered that too, but then 3 is my favourite.

    Have you considered professional help?

    Free Member

    I rather think that Dark Star was one of the first SciFi films to show dirty, messy worn out space ships.

    Free Member

    I’m no film buff, but I’d say the dark grimy industrial aesthetic and visual style of both Alien and Bladerunner really set the standard for sci fi films that followed, there was nothing that good before apart from 2001 but that was a very different aesthetic. The followers they all did it in a really hollow sort of way with crap scripts and ideas and bad acting. (apart from Gattaca and Contact?) Now that cgi has caught up with Ridley Scott anyone can reproduce his aesthetic I suppose. I’d rather see something new and fresh, not Alien+1

    edit: forgot about dark Star, that’s class

    Free Member

    Gattaca…. brilliant film…. :mrgreen:

    In terms of sci fi….I’m going to cause a small outrage here but I rather liked the Solaris remake as well.

    Full Member

    It’s all splitting hairs. Between them Ridley Scott and James Cameron pretty much defined modern Horror/Action Sci-Fi films with Alien, Blade Runner, Aliens and Terminator. Not much since has come close.

    Shame about some of the turkeys both of them have shat out since (Scott perhaps less so).

    As far as I can see both owe some debts to Dark Star, Silent Running and Metropolis though.

    Starship Troopers is also awesome, but in a different way.

    slainte 8) rob

    Free Member

    Starship Troopers is one of my all time favourite films 8)

    Free Member

    Yeah. Alien, dark star, bladerunner, terminator perhaps. All dirty, realistic future films. Very awesome stuff.

    Starship stroopers was hilarious with two stunning leading ladies thrown in.

    Aliens was a very good attempt at a modern Scifi film of the time. I love it. To build on Alien was a difficult task and they did it brilliantly.

    Free Member

    AVP was a nice spin off as well.

    Really? It was a bit tenuous.

    The alien skull in predictor 2 was a touch of brilliance but AvP just felt like the humans were thrown in for the sake of dialog. Saying that it was better than starship troopers.

    Free Member

    I really liked the Solaris remake too. Starship troopers is a laugh, nothing to think about.

    Full Member

    Best action film ever made, I can’t think of another film with the same
    balance of suspense, action, sci-fi and horror, utterly superb in every

    Erm….. Predator?

    Free Member

    Both brilliant films.

    Can’t wait for Prometheus which may or may not be a prequel to Alien.


    Full Member

    Kevevs – Member
    Starship troopers is a laugh, nothing to think about.

    Plenty to think about. That’s why it’s so good.

    slainte 😉 rob

    Full Member

    Alas, the film (Starship Troopers) is no where near the brilliance of the book and don’t even get me started on the lame effort that is AVP…

    Compared to the original graphic novels, the film was a dire, badly acted, poorly scripted waste of time. With the technology that they had at the time, and used partially, they could have done a far better job of it following the proper story.

    Back to Alien v Aliens though. You really can’t beat the suspense of the first film, the feeling of isolastion and the darkness. It’s not quite there in Aliens and, in some ways, the Director’s Cut makes it less of a film; the marines have more technology and there is less of that feeling that there are well and truly stuffed.

    I still say they should have just taken off and nuked it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

    Full Member

    No the future had looked used before Alien. Silent Running and Dark Star come straight to mind. Even Star Wars.

    Full Member

    in some ways, the Director’s Cut makes it less of a film; the marines have more technology and there is less of that feeling that there are well and truly stuffed.

    The whole point of the sentry guns is to show that the aliens can learn and adapt, and to highlight that for all the tech, ‘it won’t make any difference’. I’d say the reverse is true, it makes it feel like they’re stuffederer.

    Full Member

    in some ways, the Director’s Cut makes it less of a film; the marines have more technology and there is less of that feeling that there are well and truly stuffed.

    The whole point of the sentry guns is to show that the aliens can learn and adapt, and to highlight that for all the tech, ‘it won’t make any difference’. I’d say the reverse is true, it makes it feel like they’re stuffederer.

    +1 – It gives a similar feel to the great zombie films, no matter how many they kill, no matter how fast you run they’ll just keep coming

    Free Member

    For a long while, Aliens was my favorite film. Even did my uni thesis on the special effects created for the film. No better excuse to watch it over and over and over and buy loads of models from the film.

    Stay frosty…

    Free Member

    When I was at poly, a friend was enormously obsessed by the Grid laptop used in the film to control the sentry guns.
    On a sidenote Grid is now a UK company based in Bucks.

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