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  • Alcohol driving limit question
  • M6TTF
    Free Member

    So a friend of mine texted me earlier. She had finished her exams and had been to the pub to celebrate. Four pints drunk, over a period of a few hours. She then drove home. I said it wasn’t the smartest thing to do. She took offence. She often drinks 2-3 pints of an evening, knows it’s not a healthy thing to do, but said she was in no way cause for concern. So would a 40yr old female be fit to drive or not?

    Free Member

    Unlikely I’d have thought.
    I also thought it was really only people in their 50s+ who still believed at it was ok to drink and drive.

    Free Member

    Depends on the person.

    Bloody stupid thing to do though.

    Free Member

    Slim to none, get her one of those breathalyser things. They’re pretty cheap these days.

    Got one for my grandad, he hates it but accepts that’s his judgement sucks in that department.

    Free Member

    A pint maybe a pint and a half depending what is being drun
    k is around the limit anything else they’ll be over

    Full Member

    What’s a few hours? 3? 12?

    One pint of 4 to 5% beer is my absolute limit.

    Free Member

    If it’s 4% lager, she’s had 9.2 units.

    Allowing 1/2 hour for the first unit to get into your system, and 1 hour to ‘burn off’ each unit she only had to wait 9.5 to 10 hours to have no units in her system.

    That’s assuming she drunk the whole lot in one go at the beginning of the session.

    If she think’s thats OK, then good luck to her.

    The only way to be safe is to drive when you know you’ve got 0 units in your system.

    That said, I’m personally comfortable with 1 pint and nothing more.

    Free Member

    It a bit of a it depends situation but I would think that anyone who had 4 pint would not be fit to drive. Unless, the few hours was more like 6 – 8 and they were big and drank regularly and had eaten. Then it might be a possibility that they be ok but they would still need a breath test.

    Free Member

    crikey i wouldn’t drink 4 pints and consider driving at all for the rest of that day, even if I finished them at 12 midday.

    Full Member

    May be an old wives tale but it heard that it takes 1 hour for the body to process 1 unit of alcohol, a pint is two units(ish).

    So she has had 8 units and will more than likely be over the limit.

    Ask her how she’d have felt if she had run down someone crossing the road. She would be fine but someone else’s life would be changed forever or maybe they might not even get to experience that change. How would she feel if that was her, or her children?

    Free Member

    Surely if in doubt don’t fits this circumstance?

    Free Member

    daveatextremistsdotcouk – Member
    One pint is my absolute limit.

    I will have a pint at lunchtime if I am not driving until after work. I wouldn’t drink anything if driving immediately afterwards.

    Free Member

    In fact, I’d go as far as saying she’s a total idiot and should be snitched on. She’s a danger to anyone else on the road.

    Free Member

    Very unlikely everyone varies alcohol strength varies time taken to consume would be an issue . women take longer in general to metabolise than men . But no way I would drive within 8 hours of drinking the last of 4 pints . Even if under the limit you would be unlikely to be fit to drive.
    fine and 12 month ban or 9 and a course is best outcome on an opl/unfit charge

    Free Member

    Should make it like in france where you must have a testing kit in your vehicle at all times. Take the guessing out of it.

    Full Member

    0% should be the limit, having dealt with the aftermath of many a driver who’s “just had the one” I’ll never drink or drive or get in the car of a driver who has consumed alcohol.

    Free Member

    This is stateside – there was no reasoning with her whatsoever. Don’t know what the limit is there. It’s was over about 3 to 4 hours. I certainly wouldn’t drink 4 pints and drive, but I also don’t drink 3 pints daily.

    Free Member

    The irony is she lost her father to a drunk driver –

    Free Member

    Should make it like in france where you must have a testing kit in your vehicle at all times. Take the guessing out of it.

    Someone who drinks 4 pints and drives isn’t going to bother with a diy breath test.

    Free Member

    “Should make it like in france where you must have a testing kit in your vehicle at all times. Take the guessing out of it.”
    That is a really good idea they could even do some sort of device that measured the cars speed so the driver could ensure they did not exceed the speed limit.

    Free Member

    Get her to ask a rozzer, I imagine she’ll recieve a concise yet comprehensive response

    Free Member

    Probably fit to drive yes, if she is a heavy drinker but she might still be over the legal limit

    Free Member

    Don’t take this the wrong way but she wants a slap for even thinking that’s acceptable!

    Full Member

    This is stateside

    IIRC the drink drive limits are the same here and there but the penalties there can be more severe (varies from state to state) and can include jail time in some instances, or having you’re car confiscated in other rathers than just bans and fines

    Free Member

    Personally speaking – and I accept this may be too extreme for some – but I wouldn’t be friends with a person like that.

    Free Member

    I found an online calculator for her state, and over a 4 hour period she would have been estimated just under. Very surprised. Still a stupid thing to do, and not something is ever do

    Full Member

    So would a 40yr old female be fit to drive or not?

    “Fit to” ? Who knows – if she’s a pisshead she may be pretty “capable” on 4 pints (not far different from when she’s not been drinking)

    Below the limit ? Unlikely, though depends on a few variables

    How big is she
    What beer did she drink
    Did she eat, and when
    Did she drink steadily over several hours, or shovel it in and then sit around

    Regardless, if I were you I’d ask her to STOP **** DRIVING DRUNK, especially if you ride on nearby roads

    (Oh, in the US – so your pints are a bit smaller. I guess the limits vary by state, and some still might even just go for walking straight ?)

    Free Member

    We all have our theories,however iff something happens when you have had your 1 pint/1unit or 4pints 2 pints your still classed as a drink driver.

    Free Member

    Forty odd year old bloke myself, always used to be two pints and you’d be alright. Can honestly say whenever I have driven over the last ten years I haven’t touched a drop.

    Free Member

    M6TTF – Member

    So a friend of mine texted me earlier. She had finished her exams and had been to the pub to celebrate. Four pints drunk, over a period of a few hours. She then drove home. I said it wasn’t the smartest thing to do. She took offence. She often drinks 2-3 pints of an evening, knows it’s not a healthy thing to do, but said she was in no way cause for concern. So would a 40yr old female be fit to drive or not?

    Alcohol and driving … not cool man … not cool (Stewie’s tone) … advise her to move to Russia. 😯

    It’s a bit like Maria Carey trying to squeeze into tiny dress innit? Not cool man … not cool …

    Free Member

    Bad idea full stop.

    Free Member

    Several suggestions for breathalyser things – useful for the morning after IMHO, as it’s sometimes hard to tell, but if you feel the need to check immediately after a session, surely the answer is not to drive, as even if just under the limit you’re still an increased risk.

    Though unlike some on here I’m not totally teetotal when driving I will no longer have more than a half (in the past I’ve driven after a couple of pints over a few hours, but not impressed with myself for doing so).

    Free Member

    Yes it’s a bad idea and no she shouldn’t drink at all but what I would say is she was probably under the limit. I grew up with access to the same breathalyser as the police use and it was surprising how hard it was to fail the test.

    Cue lots of people saying they were caught after 1 pint but I find it hard to believe. We used to play with the machine frequently and it took a fair amount to fail. I’m not condoning drink driving in any way and am against it but was surprised at how many drinks consumed over an evening it would take to put me over the limit. Personally I would never drive after consuming more than a small glass of wine or a pint of bitter these days and even then would probably have a soft drink instead

    Free Member

    4 pints of cider and 4 jäger bombs between the hours of 7pm and 2.30am, mate was sleeping in his car when the police knocked him up at 3am.
    Pop quiz, what did he blow?

    Legal limit being 35

    Full Member

    For me, it’s incredibly rare that I’ll drive with even 1 in me. (I did once this year, for the first time in years). Not because I’m super responsible, the opposite, I know once I’ve had a drink my judgement’s screwed which means a) I shouldn’t drive but b) I’ll possibly not think that. Past evidence shows it’s not safe to leave me in charge of a pint never mind a car!

    Full Member

    There’s a definite reason many people in the US have DUI records!

    Their attitude is definitely off on the ‘I’ll be ok on a X pints’ on a night out, but depending on location they often have big wide roads, fewer people on those roads and therefore less to hit, clearly it doesn’t always work out that way. I’m not saying this is the right attitude by the way, just what I experienced when over there and hanging around in rural Pennsylvania.

    Free Member

    OP, I would have though she’d be over and on an “average night” after 3 also. Sooner or later she’s going to get caught and/or cause an accident and potentially kill herself and/or someone else. She should buy some of the cheap breatherlisers and test herself.

    Free Member

    The irony is she lost her father to a drunk driver

    I used to work with a girl whose mother was a heavy smoker/dying of emphysema. The girl smoked as she felt it kept her slim.

    Theres no reasoning with some people. (women aren’t different). There are thick people in every gender.

    1 pint is my max. 4 is ridiculous. Over 2-3hours or not. I’d call that a bloody evening out.

    Free Member

    I think that attitude is true of many rural areas where events and social spaces are miles away and alternative transport is non existant . in New Zealand it was acceptable to drive drunk as long as you stayed under 15 mph and had your nearside wheels on the verge.

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