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  • Adverts on Netflix!
  • Cougar
    Full Member

    … kinda.

    Netflix is planning on offering a discount subscription model which is subsidised with advertising.


    (So you can pay for a sub or you can put up with ads… sounds awfully familiar but I can’t quite…)

    Free Member

    How convenient, right after raising prices 🙄

    Full Member

    yeah but the prices went up to…

    This update will allow us to deliver even more value for your membership – with stories that lift you up, move you or simply make your day a bit better.

    so its not all bad news…. :(

    Full Member

    I’m just waiting for Nadine Dorres to come out and tell us why this business model, which is losing a fortune, is what she wants Channel 4 to aspire too

    Free Member

    Will you have to log in and out every time you want to view a film?
    Will it take forever to load a film and then cut out randomly?
    Will the adverts pop up and obscure the film right at a crucial moment?
    Will the app in the telly or phone be badly optimised and resource hungry?
    Will it randomly freeze?

    Hopefully the advert revenue will help pay for Netflix to work well on TV, firestick, computers, tablets and mobiles.

    Full Member

    Still, at least they don’t charge subscribers extra money to actually watch the content! And show adverts as well!

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Personally I reckon Netflix would do better if they concentrated less on the sheer volume of content and more on producing fewer, higher quality shows. I never know what to watch on there anymore as there’s so much middling to crap looking stuff.

    Full Member

    Hopefully the advert revenue will help pay for Netflix to work well on TV, firestick, computers, tablets and mobiles.

    I find it way better than Prime video, as for difference between that and ITV hub or the god awful more4 app, it’s perfect when compared to them.

    Netflix was always going to need to increase in price, they problem they have is the problem hollywood seems to have, too much poor or average content, or just a total lack of content.

    Full Member

     and more on producing fewer, higher quality shows.

    netflix executive 1: I know, lets only do successful things from now on!

    netflix executive 2  Excellent strategy

    Full Member

    Canary in the coalmine

    I’ve thought this for a while. So many options, none “have it all”, so much still available via adverts and TV licence.

    Next in line to start shrinking: music streaming.

    Full Member

    Where’s the issue for the consumer? Subscription is only the cost of 1 bluray.

    Ad model is fine for those who want to go that way.

    Netflix has always leveraged debt against future programmes.

    Expansion during the pandemic – was to be expected that things would contract. That and probably too many players now but this is not a problem for the end user really.

    I’m just waiting for Nadine Dorres to come out and tell us why this business model, which is losing a fortune, is what she wants Channel 4 to aspire too

    Why do we need to care about the Netflix business model as long as you are happy subscriber – Ozark / BCS is fine by me. I’m not worried about the share price or the debt, I’m not a shareholder.

    Everyone thinks they have average or poor content yet it has 200 million subs. Those numbers will go up and down.

    Full Member

    Well they have some great stuff. Ozark and Stranger Things comes instantly to mind.

    When we originally signed up those kinds of shows seemed to be more prevalent and easier to find on there, plus competing services like Prime Video/Disney+ either didn’t exist or weren’t in their current form so there really weren’t that many places to stream TV or films online (legally).

    These days everything’s fragmenting again and the Netflix Original stuff by and large just doesn’t do it for me (the odd great show notwithstanding).

    £16 a month just seems like a lot of money for the odd few seasons of a show that’s worth watching every year, plus the odd film that I fancy watching. But maybe my perception of value is way off.

    Full Member

    and more on producing fewer, higher quality shows.

    The problem is that there is a reason that lots of cheap, shit programmes exist and it’s not (just) because they’re cheap. Many, many people like them. My partner is a highly intelligent woman but she comes home after work and watches the most intellectually devoid toss you could possibly imagine in order to wind down.

    Full Member

    Well they have some great stuff. Ozark and Stranger Things comes instantly to mind.

    Quite. A new series of Better Call Saul just started; Love, Death and Robots season 3 is about to drop; Squid Game was bizarre but fascinating; I’ve not watched it yet but Arcane is supposedly amazing; ditto The Witcher. That’s just my tastes off the top of my head. I have a Watch List as long as my arm.


    What “higher quality” shows do you feel you’re missing? Genuine question. Maybe we can help you choose?

    There’s been a few threads previously but is it time for a “Netflix Recommendations 2022” thread?

    Full Member

    You’ve actually just reminded me about Squid Game and The Witcher, so… thanks!

    So yeah perhaps what I’m really failing at is finding the right stuff amongst the rest. My partner (also highly intelligent and successful etc.) can’t get enough of those incredibly vacuous dating shows.

    Full Member

    There is a lot of chaff, sure. But it learns suggestions from your viewing habits, so maybe it’s your partner’s fault for watching crap. 😁

    (I’m semi-serious here, if you’re both using it and watching wildly different things then perhaps set up separate profiles?)

    The “add to watch list” is a killer feature for me.

    Full Member

    Was always going to happen, tightening of belts means subscriptions get cut first, so this stuff, gyms, etc, look at what happened with the online cycle stuff after covid.

    There’s a lot of first world issues that’ll show up soon like this due to hhe current climate

    Full Member

    I don’t like lots of stuff on Netflix

    But I don’t think the problem is a lack of spend per show. The problem is we all like different things

    Full Member

    It’s a stretch to say Netflix are skint but they are tanking subscriptions in Asia and the us.
    Stock price was over hyped and due a fall they might just be a victim of their own success.
    Disney+ are doing a subscription with ads later this year I believe as well.

    Full Member

    Expansion during the pandemic

    It was a bit of a double whammy – streaming services sold more subs and customers watched much more content durning lockdown…. but during lockdown global film and tv production  pretty much stopped dead. So the streamers are now cash rich but content poor – all the customers have watched everything they want to and now don’t have much reason to keep subscribing

    Production is going absolutely gangbusters at the moment as everyone desperately tries to add new stuff to their menu – but theres going to be quite a considerable lag before any of that new content reaches subscribers. I’ve been working non-stop of film and TV that will end up on streaming sites for the last 20 months (its been a gold rush for set builders because location work and travel have been so problematic)- but nothing I’ve worked on during that has found its way onto a customer’s screen yet. But how much longer are subscribers going to wait before they cancel their DDs

    The costs of working during covid has been immense – worked on a reasonably modest 6 part drama recently and our budget* for covid protocols and testing was more than some feature films I’ve worked on in the past

    (* there isn’t actually a ‘budget’ – the streaming service just committed to spend whatever it takes to keep the production running – the spend ran into millions.)

    So while production is booming the channels are making some of the most expensive-to-produce content they’ve ever made but not all that cost is going to show as value on screen – but if subscriptions tail off then the return on that investment is going to be pretty low.

    Full Member

    My partner (also highly intelligent and successful etc.) can’t get enough of those incredibly vacuous dating shows

    Mmmm and you’re worrying about 16 quid a month lol

    Full Member

    Also, there is a lot of older C4 stuff on there that you could watch for free on All4 but don’t.

    Why don’t you?

    Full Member

    That’s not a C4 show.

    Free Member

    No need to get fresh.

    Full Member

    Would they have announced the advertising strategy without a reduction in subs? Who knows, their share value went off a cliff yesterday, but it will probably recover eventually, announcing a revenue booster might help it recover faster.

    TV quality tied to funding, is inevitably tied to the wider economy in turn, you want better Netflix? Solve the cost of living crisis.
    The funny thing is that Netflix is not a bad model, but not one to aspire to once it’s been done already. Subscription telly actually makes the Beeb and C4 funded via the TV licence (and some advertising) look like bloody food VFM for viewers/listeners…

    Full Member

    What’s not a C4 show? Where did I mention any specific show?

    Netflix has a lot of C4 stuff like Black Books, IT Crowd, Spaced etc that can be seen either ad-laden on All4 or ad-free on Netflix. The choice is currently clear, but is easily changed, was the point I was trying to make.

    What was the point you were making?

    Full Member

    So many options, none “have it all”, so much still available via adverts and TV licence.

    Plus, unless you watched TV constantly you’d never be able to watch all the ‘must watch’ shows anyway. We had Netflix and Prime, but came to the decision that the £25-ish a month just wasn’t worth it, and to bin them both off and just use iPlayer, All4 and occasional film rentals from Google. There’s obviously now stuff that’s popular and good that we can’t watch, but we’ve not struggled to find quality stuff to watch.

    Free Member

    Next in line to start shrinking: music streaming.

    Not so sure about this – most music streaming customers only pay for one service. Whereas many TV streamers will have several of Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney, AppleTV, Sky Sports etc etc. Much more scope to trim one or two.

    Full Member

    So the streamers are now cash rich but content poor – all the customers have watched everything they want to and now don’t have much reason to keep subscribing

    We’re increasingly getting to a point where consumers are being forced to choose. It’s just not viable to have Sky / Virgin AND Netflix AND Prime AND Disney+ AND Apple TV AND whatever else is next.

    I wonder if we’re going to see a move towards shorter contracts and people tarting between services? “Right, I’ve finished The Madalorian, time to bin Disney and switch to Netflix for a month for Better Call Saul. Finished that, OK, across to Prime next month for Picard…”

    Full Member

    Not so sure about this – most music streaming customers only pay for one service

    The difference is that the TV streams have lots of exclusives. The music streams, what isn’t on Spotify likely isn’t worth caring about and I expect competing services aren’t dissimilar. I wonder if that will change in the future? “Out next week, The Foo Fighters’ final studio album… only on Tidal!”

    Full Member

    I wonder if we’re going to see a move towards shorter contracts and people tarting between services?

    This is feasible now though, if you could be arsed, as most are monthly contracts.

    To be honest, and I prepare to be instantly proven wrong, streaming services are only really needed if you’re a sci-fi fan (maybe because those shows need the budget), and Sky/Virgin/BT is you’re a sports fan. If you’re just after quality (which is in the eye of the beviewer, obvs) drama and/or comedy and/or documentary, there’s more than is watchable on Beeb/Ch4.

    Free Member

    What’s not a C4 show? Where did I mention any specific show?

    Why Don’t You?

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