Cougar – Moderator
Constructive feedback good.
Unconstructive complaining bad.
I did have a bit of a whine, purely out of frustration. It was an alternative to throwing my phone across the waiting room.
Here’s some constructive feedback instead.
I don’t have a premium subscription because I quite enjoy the ads. I love to hear about beautiful Russian single ladies who would like to date me or how I could blind a bear with a tactical torch. It makes a refreshing break in the puns if I’m honest and I like to think I’m doing my bit for Marks advertising revenue.
My enjoyment of the ads has been lessened however because I can no longer view the one at the top of the screen because it is obscured by the fixed banner and I can no longer view the one at the bottom of the screen due to it being semi concealed beneath the massive floating sidebar.
This, combined with the headache inducing mixture of inappropriately huge or tiny fonts has led to me having a sub-optimal user experience and complaining about it for the first time ever.
I don’t want the old forum back and I’m not demanding a personalised version. I only ask that whoever is mucking about with it tries it out on iPhone before calling it good.
Merry Christmas.