Well that was a little more excitement than the usual allotment happenings this morning.
Went to my shed and noticed two of my washing machine windows on the back had been smashed in.
Then I heard voices inside.
Went round the front to see my door smashed in and two scrotes inside still! Little ***** were pulling the inside apart. At first I told them to get out, grabbed one of them and started to pull him through the door, but soon after decided instead to block them in while my other half called the police.
They were actually quite polite in a weird way. Said they thought this was another blokes shed who had done something to them and they were getting him back.
I told them how gutted I was, and that I couldn’t believe what they’d done to my shed.
They were obviously not happy about being held and so started threatening me, took a pic of me, all that stuff. Said they’d come back and see me round town…
The one lad kept trying to climb out of the broken door but I wedged a fork in the door and stopped him.
They had a massive machete/billhook type thing which I took off them and threw outside, also a dumbbell bar. Weird thing is I couldn’t remember if it was mine or not that I had in there for legitimate gardening!
Police came real quick and took them off anyway. Must have been the mention of a machete.
Yeah, bit worried about repercussions obviously but what can you do. Adrenaline starts going. I reckon they were only about 16/17
People are **** 😐
Untitled by blackteaonesugar[/url], on Flickr</p>
<p dir=”ltr”>Untitled by blackteaonesugar[/url], on Flickr</p>
<p dir=”ltr”>Untitled by blackteaonesugar[/url], on Flickr</p>
<p dir=”ltr”>Untitled by blackteaonesugar[/url], on Flickr</p>