6music still places too much emphasis on the whole wind-down, lifestyle thing.
Sundays are as placid as a monumental festival jakey/ druggie come-down, and as counter-cultural as a weekend in the Hebrides.
Between 12-2pm, 6music should be playing some music that would at least, appeal to the yoots in the skateparks of the UK…skatepunk, thrash, surf, extreme metal.
Gid Coe will have access to the late John Peels music. There will be loads of sampler cds from the now defunct ‘Terrorizer’ magazine. That’s a fascinating place to start.
On an ethnographic level, 6music owes us a deeper delve into the musical subcultures.
The time for hegemony is OVER. Surely that’s something we can all agree on😉😉😉