I have both a bronson and 5010. Bronson has 160mm pikes and CCDBcs out back. 5010 has 140mm pikes and fox float ctd kashima shock.
Both bikes ride very differently. The bronson handles anything and is very forgiving, it climbs excellently. The shock gives it a real bottomless feel and it’s very plush and controllable.
The 5010 is much more fun to ride, more poppy on jumps etc, climbs amazingly well (so much so that when I get back on the bronson I think there’s something wrong with me). My OH is a lot fitter than me but I can hammer him climbing when I’m on the 5010. It will handle decent sized drops, 4ft ish. I’ve not done more than that on it. However, the fox float shock is nowhere near as good as the cane creek. It blows through the travel a lot more linear, and you can feel the bottom out on it, which is hard to predict somehow.
Natural stuff = bronson.
Trails and trail centres = 5010