Home Forums Bike Forum £4.5k to spend on a bike……………..what would you buy…

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  • £4.5k to spend on a bike……………..what would you buy…
  • Sam
    Full Member

    mmmm, I would ask Sam at Singular to build me a 650b Ti frame with an EBB and a gear hangar.

    Tinsy, it needn't cost you anywhere near that much, and very shortly I will be able to do it…

    Free Member

    Mondraker Summum Team or an Intense 951, not sure 4.5K would be enough though.

    Full Member

    **** hell people, just curious that's all.
    bitter bitter bitter some people..

    Free Member

    why try and make someone feel bad about how much they spend on a bike? Yes I know it is a pot load of money but it must be better than pissing it up the wall or a flat screen telly or car etc. No it won't make him a better rider but so what.
    Anyway he only said he had that much to spend, it doesn't mean a cheaper bike might not suit better.
    Cheaper bikes might ride ok but for how long? Then it's the long and expensive route of replacement/upgrade, and don't forget £4500 doesn't get you anything like it would 18 months ago, XTR anyone?
    Pace 405 it's a cracker,and you might even have some spare dosh for a Ti on one frame.

    Full Member

    bodger, i did not say i had that much…i just asked what people would buy if they had that much…

    Free Member

    i think ton has just started a thread that captures what lots of people off here probably think about when a new mag comes out/ they should be doing some work/ the other half starts talking about saving for a new kitchen etc.

    good distraction thread i reckon so stop bitchin!

    i would have said the lapierre dh bike but that got bagsied already so maybe the new evil revolt dh bike. hey, if its a dream bike then i can be a dream downhiller ok?

    Free Member

    understood, just get wound up by whingers. The pace was my serious vote though, been driving round Europe for 4 months and it's had a right caning on some proper mountains, and it goes UP them as well.
    By the way, wife got rid of her mountain kings pretty quickly, trouble is she swapped them for rampages!

    Full Member

    Indy Fab TI Deluxe (26") with sram XO & Tune hubbed Wheels & Tune Chainset.
    Although I'm not sure that 4.4K would be quite enough!!

    Free Member

    Jeez! Have all these people that say they only ever spent a max £1.5k on a bike, only ever bought one bike and never changed or replaced a part? Is it possibly their second or third £1.5k bike?

    I have never, and probably will never have £4.5k to spend on a bike. However i do not doubt that over the years i have spent well over £4.5k on bikes and ended up with a bike worth around £4.5k.

    And IMHO it is much better than the £1.5k bikes i had along the way.

    Who cares how much you spend a long as you get out ride and enjoy it.

    Full Member
    Free Member

    I would get 2 bikes
    Cotic soul, XT/king/hope/thompson
    and a Surly Long Haul Trucker
    then spend anything left on a nice holiday touring on the LHT 😀

    Free Member
    Full Member

    I was going to say one of these

    but apparently £4.5k isn't nearly enough. 'kin 'ell!

    Free Member

    just couldn't do it
    £1500ish is my psychological limit

    Free Member

    I'd go for one of these

    In "Super" build but only if the Euro became worthless again as they're E6k 😯

    Free Member

    have never, and probably will never have £4.5k to spend on a bike.

    liar liar, pants on fire

    4.5k would prob buy me a great bike but not my dream bike, would need more than that

    It would consist of a merlin ti frame then loads of pimped out lightweight bits, new xx kit, carbon or ti everything else, mega expensive wheelset etc etc. Would it be the best bike i've ever ridden of fastest, maybe not, but would still be my dream bike

    My bike now is prob about 4 – 4.5k worth and is an amazing bike ( turner 5 spot, lyrics, xtr, carbon stuff etc etc) so for me spending that money on a bike doesn't upset me. I dont drink, smoke or date wimen so have to spend my cash on one vice and it may as well be the one i love !!

    Free Member


    If i spent £4.5k on a bike, the next £4.5 would be spent on surgery removing my bollocks and her shoe from somewhere North of where they should be.

    Nice dream build.

    I fancy a Niner Air Carbon, new Next LP Carbon cranks, Tune Rohloff……

    Free Member

    I had my dream bike, then they nicked it…not everyones dream bike but it was mine..it may or may not have been £4.5k ❓

    Free Member

    Another one for a Lapierre 920 DH although I'd have to bung in the extra £500 or so.

    Free Member

    Free Member


    A lot of consusltants opinions on my knee

    A knee op to fix whatever they recon is wrong this time

    Lots of physio.

    Spend the change on getting my forks serviced.

    Free Member

    chainline…dude that is fugly! I'm guessing from the daft bars it's a Jones?

    Free Member

    Thankyou for your kind words 😆 and yes it WAS my Jones, now it's some scutters, here's another of my ex fugly 135mm Phil WOOD FRONT dishless front hub 8)

    Free Member

    I take it the front tyre is instead of suspension! hub would look ok on a road bike 😉

    Free Member

    Hub wouldn't fit tho, too wide. Yes big tyre = suspension but as importantly it rolls over rocks and obstackles because of its size = comfort and speed

    Free Member

    You'd soon run out of cash in the DH world. I pimp socom will rush you £6k these days.

    Free Member

    This thread reminds me of a question a supply teacher asked us when i was 10 (25 years ago). She asked what would you spend 1 thousand pounds on? I said a VW beatle, a new surf board and some cool alloy wheels, and a trip to Hawaii. Of course not knowing how much stuff cost in the real world, and forgetting that i couldn't drive as i was 10, and obviously insurance wasn't an issue to me either!!!!

    I'd love to be able to find a consultant that'd diagnose my knee problems and then provide the surgery and after care all for 4.5K, more like 20K!!!

    A lot of people out there don't think anything much about spending 4.5k on a bike, it's pretty common actually. The difference between those that think it's more than they'd ever be able to spend on a bike is that the folk spending that much on a bike are out working, so spending less time either at home on the internet, or at work not getting promoted as they are spending time on the internet. 😆

    Free Member

    I have never, and probably will never have £4.5k to spend on a bike. However i do not doubt that over the years i have spent well over £4.5k on bikes and ended up with a bike worth around £4.5k.

    1991: Townsend mild steel piece of poo 100
    1993: Marin Eldridge Grade: 400
    1994: Cannondale M1000: 750
    1997: Giant MCM Team: 1200
    2006: Klein Attitude, built up with odd bits from here and there: (approx) 750
    2009: Kona Jake: 450, Giant Anthem build: (approx) 1100
    Grand Total:4750

    Christ!!!!! how the F did that happen!! 😯

    …and that's not including parts, clothing etc.

    Free Member

    here's how to spend 4.5K +

    Free Member

    …are you seriously telling me that costs 4.5k?? 😯


    Am I missing something here?

    …it's just a black bike, with wheels and some forks.


    Free Member

    4.5k plus (rrp prices) !

    Free Member


    Free Member

    alex – i think it's full retail price would be frightening !

    Free Member

    here's a couple of mates' bikes that rrp in excess of 4.5k :

    see a trend developing here ?

    Free Member

    That top one is very very nice.

    Free Member

    But I'd be £3000 short 🙁

    Full Member

    Yes, what colour is that nice Nicolai with the red decals? Pistachio?

    Free Member

    Well seeing as we're doing this…

    You don't need to buy an ugly German bike to go to £4500:

    That was £4500rrp off the shelf, add a new seatpost (£170), stem (£70), bars (£100), shifters (£80), rearmech (£175), pedals (£120), chainrings (£100), bar ends (not in photo, £40), skewers (£90), tyres (£90), bottle cage (£60), various bolts (£50), chain (£50), and that leaves nearly £5700 on a Specialized…

    Start with the 2010 one and it's going to be over £6000 by the time you make the upgrades. Like it or not, few 'top of the range' bikes are <£4500.

    Free Member

    I really think bike and component manufacturers are taking the pi** with prices at the moment.

    How can a few tubes of alu or carbon, some pretty low tech parts and pretty basic R+D cost to more than a car or a motorbike?

    Free Member

    How can a Ferrari cost 200 times more than a Kia Sorento or something?

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