Absolutely amazing game! I have no strong feelings either way towards either team but I was tense the whole way through cheering Ireland on. How do NZ do virtually nothing of any note all game, get dominated by and awesome pack in the loose,miss lots of kicks…. and still win? 😯
I like the way NO is reffing this. Common sense and keeping his whistle in his pocket on the niggling debatable points (a few accidental offsides, knock on/sidewards etc) makes it much better to watch.
Completely agree. He encouraged the attacking team to run the points in rather than rely on penalties. Another thing he did differently was to call advantage over quite quickly, even after small gains by the attacking side which kept the game flowing. Communicated well with everyone on the pitch and used the TMO properly when needs be. Not sure on the last kick but either way Ireland sadly wouln’d have won.
The crowd also made the game- must have been awesome to be there*
*until 80+ minutes