Home Forums Chat Forum 100 Day Challenge 2024 – Exercise every day til Christmas

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  • 100 Day Challenge 2024 – Exercise every day til Christmas
  • scotroutes
    Full Member

    Looks like I will have to make my activities more visible and spam my followers feeds for the rest of the year though

    Yep. Private activities don’t show. I’d normally my audience so that only “interesting” activities show up but I’ll just go Public for a while.

    Full Member

    COVID scuppered my early start, requested to join Strava group & should be up to a walk tomorrow I recon ?

    Free Member

    I will join you all but do the 75 hard challenge . I need the no alcohol and food discipline requirement.I think a number of you do this challenge already,it just doesn’t have a name.Good luck all and avoid dem bugs!

    Full Member

    Oops, looks like I started early. My mate was bored and wanted to go for a run so we just did 6.5k up the canal.

    Also sent a request for the Strava group, Adam Branston.

    Free Member

    Joined the strava club, will give it a whirl!

    Full Member

    Asked to join the group – ready for some walks and YouTube yoga to fill the days

    Full Member

    Requested to join.
    probably won’t put everything on Strava as I don’t want to here the pants off my regular followers.
    will just post on here and annoy you lot instead.

    Full Member

    I’ve just got back from a pre breakfast 5k run. Best of luck to everyone having a go!

    Full Member

    And we’re off…

    Full Member

    50ish minute ride into work today – felt lovely to be on fast rooling tarmac, after SSUK this weeked!!

    Good luck everyone


    Full Member

    Asked to join the club.

    Covid has buggered me up somewhat which is a shame, but reckon I can still do some active stretching in between coughing and generally being a miserable old(ish) sod.

    Full Member

    Good luck all. Dont think I’m going to join this year. Already know I’m away for work for 11 days in the next 2.5 weeks, a chunk of it teaching a field class, plus life is a little complex atm. However I have this in the forefront of my mind to get out more, even though it won’t be every day.

    Full Member

    I’m in, joined the strava club, need the motivation and also to drink less beers!

    Full Member

    Henry is in, 9km walk. I may add a tracker to his collar.

    Full Member

    I’m in again.

    First joined the challenge in 2022. I was having chemo at the time and found it tough! Nonetheless, I managed to do something most days. Coincidentally, I’m typing from the Christie whilst waiting for a blood test… Fingers crossed.

    This year I’ve started early… Already 21 days in and, apart from having a cold, I’m feeling good.

    Hoping to work the Festive 500 into this as well… It’s all about setting goals and achieving them ??

    Full Member

    Ah go on then, have requested to join. I always get injured whenever I try running so just riding and walking for me.

    Full Member

    There’s a very unflattering pic of me marshalling the CX at the weekend on our club page, so I need to add some dietary discipline to the activity.

    Leading the local health ride tonight, will take us half an hour to do a lap of the CX course!

    Full Member

    That’s 32 folk in the Strava club. I’m sure I’ve missed a couple of folk who’ve committed on here can’t be arsed with the Strava bit too.

    Full Member

    Question from an mildly interested potential participant, if you regularly commute you need to add something different in, does the same apply if you regularly walk the hound? I’m assuming counting that walk is a bit of a cop out? For context usually 2 walks of at least 40 minutes a day.

    Full Member

    I count extended dog walking, it’s additional to the normal.

    As the challenge progresses, I need days of active recovery. Walking is essential.

    Full Member

    Hi @toby1

    I think we all set our own “rules”. Mine is to do at least 30 minutes of purposeful exercise every day.   I mix things up: Strength workouts, yoga, lots of cycling, indoor trainer if the weather is dire, maybe even an occasional run. I don’t have a dog, but if I did, I’d count it if at least 30 minutes of it elevated my heart rate (Zone 2 maybe).

    My wife simplifies things… “If a Garmin can record it, then it counts!”

    Full Member

    Done my first weight session this lunch time – only 1/2 hour but I have no strength so using this to try and encourage me to do it regularly.

    I posted it to strava group, but now thinking don’t need to post but it will just show in activities for the group?

    Full Member

    Yeah, I’m going to not count normal dog walks (already done 35 minutes this lunch time), but if I’m wrecked cos I’m pushing too hard then that will be my fallback/rest excercise I think. Although I’ll do longer and/or faster than normal.

    A big weekend walk with the dog can be 20k easily so I’ll deffo be counting that though!

    I’m camping weekend of 27th Sept, (load of us, piss up type camping) so going to take a bike to get out for a ride in the morning. Also going to Rhodes for a week end of Oct, so will do a few runs down the sea front and make use of the hotel gym/pool. All it’ll be doing is working off the all inclusive indulgence though!!….

    Gym to night for me.

    Full Member

    Set your own rules as above, but personally, Yep, walking is fine.

    Its probably Alien to most of us but its unbeleivable how many people dont even do that – just ‘walking’.

    I’ll certainly be counting it, and as above, if your recovering from a huge ride the day before, or dont fancy the gym etc, then its amazing how good a decent, brisk-ish walk for 30-60 minutes makes you feel. I always start the day feeling a bit fresher and standing taller when I’ve walked back from the School run. Just being outside is a start.

    Full Member

    Went to bed last night with good intentions , then woke this morning with a stinking cold. Out with the gravel bike blast, and in with an extra walk in the woods. Out is better than in! Something is better than nothing. Build the habit.


    Full Member

    Day #1 done, pool swim 2.5 km in 53 mins and then the boring boring boring physio exercises for 1/2 hour.

    Full Member

    Day 1: 5 k run at lunchtime and some walking home as a warm down. Was a bit warm tbh.

    Full Member

    Edmund joined the group! 30 mins in the gym today, easing in to it.

    Full Member

    One down, ninety nine to go.  Sorry, no pic from the gym as no one wants to see that!

    Full Member


    Off work today so managed to get out towards burbage and back via Blacka Moor and the local woods.

    Not sure if the image will work.

    Good to hear what everyone else is up to.

    Full Member

    Joined the Strava. I may win the award for the lamest 30mins exercise but I need something to get me moving more. With one thing and another it’s been a bad year for biking this year and it’s showing on my weight and fitness.
    May even dust off the Wii Fit board and do some yoga!

    Full Member

    I’m sorry but I really can’t be arsed with Strava. I’ve been riding bikes since my teens and never had it and definitely don’t need it now!

    Besides, the last thing I need is a record of how much time I spend on a bike, the wife might see it.

    Full Member

    “I may win the award for the lamest 30mins exercise”

    – Trust me, if that was an award, I’d have plenty of entries at the end of this, based on my experience last year!

    Whatever works for you and you can fit into your schedule is what it’s all about.

    Full Member

    I spent a good chunk of day 1 in protracted conversations with our health insurance about various bits of my body that are in need of some TLC, so a 40 min dog walk is how I’ve kicked things off. Might jump on the bike this evening if my knee/shoulder feels up to it.

    Can I count physiotherapy appointments – wonder what the physio would think if I have the Garmin running while they’re putting me through the grinder?

    Full Member

    Membership requested, Kingsley King

    Full Member

    Day one done.  Don’t forget – it’s supposed to be fun, too.

    Full Member

    Managed to get something in. Stretches and some basic exercises from a random mtb fitness video from lockdown.

    It’s a start.

    May everyone to better than me today!

    Free Member

    ^ Similar, woke up feeling sheet and had to battle through some weights.Walk for 45 minutes later.

    Full Member

    I really need the motivation this year so I’m in. Nice gentle 5K plod just now.

    Requested to join the strava group to cheer others on but I don’t really do making my stuff public unless it’s interesting. Hopefully something will be interesting in the next 99 days!

    Full Member

    30 or so minutes weights in the (home) gym this morning.

    10km social run with the club this evening.



    Got back just before the moon came up over the mountains. It’ll be mandatory head torches next week.

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