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  • 100 Day Challenge 2024 – Exercise every day til Christmas
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    Monday was a very easy pilates session with my wife, then yesterday I was back at the track for the first time since getting shingles. Had a good run, too – longish warmup, then a pyramid of 400/800/1200/1600 and back down again. Ended up doing just under 12km running.

    Free Member

    @mogrim I have shingles at the moment. I think I developed it whilst away on holiday in Crete (60th present from Mr Surfer) came back on the 21st with an itchy rash on my back which became raised. Some odd symptoms such as minor headaches (unusual for me) some aches and pains in my back (that I put down to sleeping in a different bed) and more recently tingling down one side. On anti viral drugs for a few more days. Strangely enough not stopping me from running at the moment and managed 40 miles last week though I know it hits many people very hard. I am hoping mine doesnt suddenly get worse before it gets better…

    Full Member

    @surfer mine hasn’t stopped me running, just that the doctor recommended not overdoing it – one of the reasons shingles appears is due to a weakened immune system, and doing hard intervals or long races clearly won’t help there. I can’t imagine the rubbing you’d get from a sweaty t-shirt would help with the rash, either.

    FWIW mine is radiating out from the spine, following the line of the ribs, and round to the sternum. It’s not too bad during the day, but makes sleeping very difficult.

    Full Member

    Scottish leg of our toad trip complete with Ae ticked off this morning. Safely ensconced in Keswick now…time for some proper beer ? Whinlatter tomorrow.

    Full Member

    Day 16 and Day 17: 45 min walk on both nights. Finally lurgy is abating, apart from this rasping cough. Managed to keep steps above 10 k everyday since infected… a small win.

    Full Member

    Just a fast walk with the dog tonight. Set out to do 10k, but only managed 7, as I was bored, hungry and needed the toilet (not the sort you can do outside! Still sweaty and puffing though so it counts!

    Full Member

    Just a gentle stroll today. Eyes on the forecast tomorrow, might chance a pre-work trip to the hills to catch an inversion.

    Full Member

    Another zwift run tonight. Feeling pretty good which is very unusual for me when running. Probably going to get injured now I’ve said that.

    Zwift bike tomorrow and then a proper MTB ride in Friday. First time in nearly three weeks. Hopefully without putting me back into elbow rehab. Don’t care if it’s muddy, just can’t wait to ride outside!

    Full Member

    Wednesday speed session with the running club.

    I took a couple of photos but the forum is being shit(tier than usual) at the momemt so probably not worth uploading them.

    It occurs to me that I’ve not been on a bike much since this challenge started. I’ll try to rectify that!

    Free Member

    Nearly choked tonight, just tired, made the mistake of lying on the bed and nearly never got up again but did manage 1/2 hr of lacklustre bag work intersprsed with a couple of chin sets and lowers. Crap. Will up the intensity a bit tomorrow hopefully.

    Full Member

    Walked to and from a Scout committee meeting, bang on 30 minutes!

    Full Member

    Day #17 – quick pool swim, 2.5 km in 51 minutes, might switch to some drills in the pool for the next few weeks, as I’m not getting any quicker doing 1km splits, which is fair enough really.

    Full Member

    Day 18: a quick home gym upper body workout. Saving my legs for the weekend.

    Full Member

    Delightful 40 miler yesterday along La Rance.20241002_17374520241002_174917

    Full Member

    Yesterday I did an hour of weights after work and this morning I’ve been for a run.

    It’s really cold this morning but at least it’s not raining!

    Full Member

    First dry, sunny (but chilly) dog walk for at least a week.  Definitely feeling autumnal out there. Legs feeling a bit  of “Zwift” lethargy. Still back on the horse/bike later.  I could get away with saying this extra hour dog walk I never used to do is my 30 mins but that’s increasingly feeling like ‘cheating’, so a Zwift session it is at the end of the day.


    Full Member

    Run Tuesday, walk yesterday, PT upper body today.

    Free Member

    Been out on the MTB three times this week, and did 60km on the gravel bike yesterday. I’ve not done anything other than running or riding so far this session (and only two runs) and, on top of my race season, I’m a bit cooked. Legs feel hollow and power is down. I’m on holiday next week and might count a week of walking and maybe yoga.

    While we’re on about yoga – for those of you doing it for the first time and using an online source, I’d really recommend going and getting some in person classes. I started that way then went to my wife’s yoga classes and it was really useful – as a cyclist your hips are likely pretty tight, and an instructor seeing you will be able to help you adapt the poses you’re seeing online to suit that better. It’ll reduce your chance of injury a lot, and make it more useful for you. They may also be able to give you specific poses to help. When I went in and did my first pose the instructor immediately went “you’re a cyclist aren’t you?” because my hips were so inflexible. I basically only bend in one plane – forwards and backwards to reach the bars.

    Full Member

    25 miles done today.

    Tour completed.  730 miles total.

    Awesome trip.


    Full Member

    As promised – actually cycled today.

    Lovely conditions for it too – even if there are still quite a few tourists around.


    Dog and sun dog


    Maiden voyage for my Restrap custom frame bag


    Re-roofed Ryvoan

    MAX_0400 - frame at 1m11s

    Full Member

    Great pics. I’m very excited to ride my MTB tomorrow even tho the views won’t be as good as those ^^^

    Agree on Yoga/Pilates. I was going to regular classes before Covid. In lockdown I definitely went backwards even tho I was watch vids etc as getting one one one help makes a massive difference. I’m hoping to get some more flexibility back (and make better use of home sessions) once I go back to in person classes next month.

    Just finished week 2 of 8 on the Zwift cycling to 10k plan. It’s official, I hate hill sprints. And looking at what’s coming in weeks three and four, I can see that hate just getting deeper! But by then we’ll be 25% ish into the 100 days and I’ve no intention of giving in!

    Free Member

    Another 5k lunch run. God I’m boring!

    Full Member

    Re-roofed Ryvoan

    Ah, Ryvoan…how I’ve missed you (smiley emoji) Lochan looking nice and green too!

    Road trip now complete with a double dose of Whinlatter today. Superb trip with @nobbingsford of this parish. Home now, drinking wine (well, it is my birthday) and looking forward (euphemism for terrified) to final running prep for the Hadrian’s Wall half marathon next Sunday.


    Full Member

    Oh, you’ll need to report on that. I might be interested in that next year.

    Full Member

    Gym session tonight. 20 minute stamina routine on the elliptical, 20 minute fat burning routine on a bike, then 24 minutes on a treadmill doing interval training, 3 minutes at 12kph then 1 minutes walking at 6kph repeat.

    Full Member

    There was no inversion beckoning today, and I woke up late, so went for a lunchtime run (7km) instead. I bloody love autumn round here.

    Full Member

    I bloody love autumn round here.

    It’s one of my favourite things about this thread – seeing folks photos as autumn arrives and then turns into winter across the country/ies.

    Full Member

    Still going, not been updating or adding photos as mainly me in garage doing weight workout or rubbish IndieVelo ride.

    I’m sticking to something every day but bit worried that means lots of half hearted efforts…think might need to focus on 3/4 proper workouts a week and other days just a decent walk.

    Full Member

    Still on at least twice a day. 1k swim outside at lunch and a Zwift session this evening.

    Full Member

    Another missed day today – eldest unexpectedly had to come back up to drop his girlfriend at her parents after a death in the family, and popped round for tea, the ladies of the house went out to Guides and I got 3 hours alone catching up with my lad for the first time in 2-3 months.

    No regrets.

    Full Member

    Day #18 – indoor ride using my new (to me anyway) toy a Wattbike Atom, so hour on it tonight at an average 176w indicated 30 km. quite like it.

    Full Member

    3 decent dog walks today, and just in from pub with a neighbour – it’s a 15 min brisk walk each way and I had 2 bottles of Peroni Zero, so 2 boxes ticked !

    Full Member

    It’s one of my favourite things about this thread – seeing folks photos

    There’s certainly some sights in the gym, but I’m not sure I should be taking photos!!

    Full Member

    Day 19…only just time for a 30 minute walk.

    Took photos to keep myself interested. Love a good mail box.


    Full Member

    Like others have.said, love the pics on this thread. Best part of the thread.

    great pics, your tour looked a lot of fun and where do you get that t-shirt ?

    ‘s tour pics looked amazing too

    never really considered doing a tour by bike, done plenty on a motorbike over the years. Hmm.

    slightly envious of where you guys all live with easy access to the countryside and hills as I prep to head to work in town.

    Full Member

    Fantastic dog walk this morning starting in mist and finishing in sunshine. I’m sure the dogs prefer it when it’s sunny like this as well.


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    And this is how I expect the rest of my day to go :)

    Full Member

    PXL_20241004_053430631PXL_20241004_053944467Had a couple extended dog walks but today was a 5mile run but had to be early as heading for dept lunch and have to go as I’m the boss.

    Not a bad morning though.

    Free Member

    slightly envious of where you guys all live with easy access to the countryside and hills as I prep to head to work in town.

    Every bit of exercise I’ve done on a weekday so far has been from central Edinburgh! You just need to live in the right town ;)

    Free Member

    Thursday was running club  session – Lamposts. hard 30 mins, and Warm Up and Cool Down

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