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I don’t differentiate between USB stick and USB harddrive. They are the same thing to me, just one usually has more storage than the other. When I say USB HD I just mean a HD that contains FLAC files and connects using USB-A (standard) connector.

I’m not on about a NAS drive or anything.

The portable players do the job – you just load the FLAC files onto a microSD card and the player plays them. You run a line out from the player to your hifi amp and then select the track on the unit itself and hit play. It’s just that you need to add a power cable and stand for it to be a good sustainable, everyday solution. Hence the desire to get the same functionality with a full width box.

The Yamaha/Denon/Cambridge players/receivers et al will do the same thing but the screens on the units are more basic than the portable players. The portables show album art etc.