National Park’s Warning Over Snowdon Access Agreement

by 7

Snowdon is one of Wales’s must-do mountains for walkers and mountain bikers alike. It’s legally accessible by bikes, with three bridleways leading to the summit, but it also receives a huge number of visitors on foot, to the point where riders and walkers mixing poses a genuine safety risk. So since 2003 there has been a voluntary ban on mountain biking between 10.00 am and 5.00 pm, running from 1 May to 30 September. The alternative, proposed at the time, was a Traffic Regulation Order which would have removed any right for bikes to use the mountain. Over the years the agreement has been successful at reducing conflict, and having to ride the mountain in early morning or late evening even seems to add to the experience for some riders.

Somewhere in Wales, earlier.

Sadly there are reports from the Snowdonia National Park Authority that so far this year, some mountain bikers are not only ignoring the agreement and riding in the middle of the day, but also descending at speed through groups of walkers and being verbally abusive when challenged.


In the words of the National Park’s access officer Peter Rutherford:


“We ask that mountain bikers respect the standing agreement between the Snowdonia National Park and various mountain bike user groups and stay off the Llanberis, Snowdon Ranger and Rhyd Ddu paths between 10am and 17.00 from the 1st of May to the end of September. The agreement was put in place to prevent potential clashes between incredibly high volumes of walkers and cyclists at peak times. It has worked well for many years, showing that all users can share the paths successfully, but this does rely on cyclists complying with the agreement, which most do.


Cyclists should also be mindful that under Countryside Act 1968, they should give way to both pedestrians and horse riders at all times on a bridleway, and failure to do so (that is riding in a manner which is deemed to be reckless) is a criminal offence under the Road Traffic Act 1988. Cyclists should also be aware that they could find themselves liable in the case of any injury caused to pedestrians or equine users regardless.


We’re delighted that so many mountain bikers come to Snowdonia and choose to ride on our highest mountain, and the success of this agreement could lead to increased access in other areas over time, so we would urge cyclists to please respect other users and exercise due caution – especially on their descents”


Local mountain bike guide (and Singletrack contributor) Tom Hutton was one of the first people to be approached by the National Park with their concerns, and sums up the situation:


“The Snowdon voluntary agreement has worked for years, but only because mountain bikers have made it work. If they start ignoring it in large numbers now, it’s possible that the formal ban we managed to prevent previously will follow – this would apply to all bikes all year round.”


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Antony was a latecomer to the joys of riding off-road, and he’s continued to be a late adopter of many of his favourite things, including full suspension, dropper posts, 29ers, and adult responsibility. At some point he decided to compensate for his lack of natural riding talent by organising maintenance days on his local trails. This led, inadvertently, to writing for Singletrack, after one of his online rants about lazy, spoilt mountain bikers who never fix trails was spotted and reprinted on this website during a particularly slow news week. Now based just up the road from the magazine in West Yorkshire, he’s expanded his remit to include reviews and features as well as rants. He’s also moved on from filling holes in the woods to campaigning for changes to the UK’s antiquated land access laws, and probing the relationship between mountain biking and the places we ride. He’s a firm believer in bringing mountain biking to the people, whether that’s through affordable bikes, accessible trails, enabling technology, or supportive networks. He’s also studied sustainable transport, and will happily explain to anyone who’ll listen why the UK is a terrible place for everyday utility cycling, even though it shouldn’t be. If that all sounds a bit worthy, he’s also happy to share tales of rides gone awry, or delicate bike parts burst asunder by ham-fisted maintenance. Because ultimately, there are enough talented professionals in mountain bike journalism, and it needs more rank amateurs.

More posts from Antony

Comments (7)

    What’s the first rule?
    Don’t be a ****.

    I’ll be controversial and say could this have anything to do with the rise of e-bikes making it too easy to get to the top now ……

    Funnily enough, that’s what crossed my mind. I walk the mountain as well as ride it and the last three or four cheeky people I’ve seen during the day have all been on ebikes.

    [devils advocate]How voluntary is this agreement? I don’t remember being asked. How come MTBs get the early morning or evening? [\devil’s advocate]

    “I’ll be controversial and say could this have anything to do with the rise of e-bikes making it too easy to get to the top now ……”

    I’ve seen a few mid-day summer speeder bikers up there when on foot over the years, none on e-bikes.

    Do it early or late, it’s really the best time to be up there anyway.

    How much signage is there?
    When I first did Snowdon years ago i remember there being a sign up explaining the voluntary agreement at the base of the tourist path (the way most will go up), though there were no suggestions for alternatives which might help to sway anyone who didn’t know about the ban
    The last time I went up a couple of years ago, there was no such signage up. Is there any currently?

    The problem is that the world seems to be full of self-entitled **** these days… those flouting the agreement now probably won’t care about any prohibition order down the line.

    I’m not sure how you fight people like that… maybe leave the current access agreement in place and introduce enforceable fines against those who ignore it?

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