Singletrack Sinema

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Quite a lot of you have complained since we did away with Midweek Movies. We’re not complaining though – we actually get some work done on Wednesdays now and to be honest, we were getting pretty fed up of endless ‘sick slo-mo shreddits’, even if you weren’t 😉

Yes, there’s even an ‘edit’ (film, video, clip) of someone going up hill – No really!

Nonetheless, we appreciate that there’s a place in everybody’s lunchbreak browsing for an infrequent and unashamedly indulgent flip through the brightest and best videos the internet has to offer. So, without further ado, here’s what’s caught our eye over the past few weeks… including a guilty pleasure or two.

Dirt jumping that’s radder than we will ever, ever be.

We think it’s a piss take. We’re not sure though. And we do like the look of those trails…

This is a reader submission from Aaron Hill. “Nothing fancy, just a middle age bloke on a bike in the hills… tricks, no music, just riding. Something to remind me of my bike when I can’t get out to ride. ”

We like Aaron, he sounds like us. Then we looked at where he was. Barcelona. Where it does, in fact, appear to rain. We like him even more.

A Front Door Adventure from Brendon Tyree. AKA, why Sheffield is awesome. Reprised at SHAFF this weekend just gone, makes us want to go camping this weekend.

We appreciate a good hardtail, and so does Transition. Their trails look a lot like ours too! But with less litter. And no dog s**t. Or burnt-out mopeds. So nothing at all like ours then. Ah well.

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Jenn Hill was the deputy editor here at Singletrack up until her untimely death from Lung Cancer in October 2015. She was and remains an inspiration to us all here at Singletrack. Jenn Hill - 1977-2015

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