Issue 95 is at the printers!

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In need of a little Monday morning cheer? Then you’ll be pleased to know the next issue of Singletrack is currently at the printers.

If you’re a subscriber then your regular dose of delicious photography, inspiring writing and lovely-smelling ink on real paper made of trees will be landing on your doorstep next week. If you’re not a subscriber and would like to get the full-size, subscribers-and-Premier-Stockists-edition, then get yourself over to the Singletrack Shop and pre-order your copy now.

Here’s the cover – nice, hey? – and the rundown of what’s inside…

Singletrack95 Cover

Chipps initiates a handful of America’s bravest bike trade folk into the way of Filth Camp: it’s like the annual Press Camp extravaganza in Utah, only in the north of England, with more mud, more rain and a lot more pies.

The One Ton Challenge is back, this time with Pete Scullion at the helm as he takes to the train to see how much rail-to-trail riding you can get yourself for £100 and we ride vicarious volcanos in Indonesia with Jerome Clementz.

The Subscriber Supplement is our Editor’s Choice 2014 – find out what we loved the most about the mountain biking year just gone.

The Dave and Sim show takes us to Livigno, Italy for one last blast of autumn mountain fun and the Classic Ride showcases the well-loved Bingley Bash.

The bike test looks at three of our 2015 Objects of Desire from Cannondale, Santa Cruz and 9:ZERO:7 (warning! fat bike content) and we put the wide-rim revolution in the dock with seven wheelsets in the grouptest. Mountain Biking Development in Scotland’s Graham Maclean is our Singletrack Hero, there’s a brace of columns from the usual suspects, the regular mix of ground-up Grinder products, thoughtful musings and delicious photography to brighten up your month.
Pre-order your copy now!

Jenn Hill was the deputy editor here at Singletrack up until her untimely death from Lung Cancer in October 2015. She was and remains an inspiration to us all here at Singletrack. Jenn Hill - 1977-2015

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