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  • Show me your….. fire pits
  • Can’t remember who posted one the other day, but it got me thinking about incorporating one into my garden redesign.

    So, show me yours – preferably something half decent in nice surroundings, not a cut down 40 gallon drum round the back of the garage.

    Full Member

    Oh some awesome ones in Finland this summer which I’m hoping to copy. Took some great pics BUT on my harddrive which I’ll get tomorrow night. I could rant for hours on this topic. SOrry not much help but ohold tight for pics tomorrow!

    Cool, look forward to seeing them db

    Full Member

    Jigsaw needed to cut the plastic shroud off the drum, big screwdriver to remove, flip and reattach the drum pulley, then a quick wash.

    Yes, its a recycled washing machine, sufficiently removed from the oil drum end of the spectrum I hope?!

    Free Member

    I’ve just been given the green light to construct a fire pit but lacking inspiration at the moment so looking forward to seeing how other people have gone about it!

    Free Member

    Should a fire pit not be in the ground?

    Free Member

    Tick. I’m remodelling this and could put one in here:


    Free Member

    Excellent topic post. Unfortunately I’ve nothing to add by way of photos but will also be looking for some inspiration for my own project. Just need my wife to understand that it’s a useful and attractive garden feature not a flaming pit of doom and destruction!

    Full Member

    Just need my wife to understand that it’s a useful and attractive garden feature not a flaming pit of doom and destruction!

    Just telling my wife it’s a heat source would be persuasive enough, the rest are mere details.

    Free Member

    Saw a fantastic one in Canada, hard to describe. It was the inner of a tractor wheel about 3.5ft diameter and was hung by chains from a tripod. the fire was in the wheel, sounds a bit industrial but was lovely to sit around.

    Should a fire pit not be in the ground?

    Probably Rob but I’ll allow above ground ones for inspiration too 😉

    Spooky – not bad for starters!

    Free Member

    Here’s the one my uncle built:

    (the photo’s stolen from Facebook, hence obscuring the face of the person in the pic!)

    Full Member

    I’ve done the washing machine drum one. Really easy to do and looks OK IMHO.

    I’ve used it twice and been disappointed to be honest: The fire is enclosed inside the drum, meaning that unless you have flames leaping through the hole, there’s very little heat radiated out. It was actually quite cold to sit around in comparison to a more open version. Of course, the advantage is that the ash is very contained and you don’t have a mess to clear up where logs have fallen out etc the following morning.

    Full Member

    A couple of weeks back I watched the fireworks concert over Edinburgh Castle from a friends rooftop garden. There was a crowd of us and somebody had brought a portable fire pit and was burning what looked like bits of driftwood. If it hadn’t as windy as it was – dispersing the considerable amounts of smoke – half of the city’s fire department would have gate-crashed the party.
    Other than the panic it might have caused, this was a wonderful setting.

    Free Member

    Two pictures… is that all STW can come up with?

    *shuffles away muttering*

    Free Member

    I’ve used it twice and been disappointed to be honest: The fire is enclosed inside the drum, meaning that unless you have flames leaping through the hole, there’s very little heat radiated out. It was actually quite cold to sit around in comparison to a more open version. Of course, the advantage is that the ash is very contained and you don’t have a mess to clear up where logs have fallen out etc the following morning

    Agree with this, went to a campsite that had these and as you say very little heat combined with a voracious fuel appetite caused presumably by all the little ‘oles (it was windy mind)

    Full Member

    pulls up chair….

    Free Member

    Please forgive the garden mess, had just finished the main extension build and was just starting the tiling. Have a custom stand to look neater than a welded steel wheel and means I can drop new drums in at will.

    Heat output is mainly through the top so not as warm as the more open ones, but as it’s normally only 4-5 drunken middle aged men talking bollocks that’s fine as we sit close cooking chorizo/kabanos on the top bit and drinking a bit.

    It does mean that when you decide to pass out that you don’t have to worry about the fire in anyway – plus v easy to clean up in the morning.

    Free Member

    I don’t really get fire pits – aren’t they just an area of ground where you light a fire (rather like where I burn my garden rubbish)?

    Would something that actually radiated heat be better than just a fire – such as a stove (type thing)?

    Full Member

    don’t spoil it sharkbait.

    ‘firepit’ sounds far more impressive than ‘hearth in the garden’.

    Free Member

    sorry 😳

    *shuffles off to the naughty step*

    Full Member

    Really surprised by the washing machine drum not being hot enough, burning hardwood mine will heat a dozen people.

    Free Member

    is that all STW can come up with?


    Come on dazzlingboy, we are waiting.

    *drums fingers impatiently*

    Free Member

    don’t your neighbours get pissed off with all the smoke?

    Free Member

    Well, I use fire stuff weekly.
    Mainly kelly kettles, old roses tins and old car rims.
    I also have a fire bucket BBQ that works well with added ventilation.
    Abernethy Ardeonaig staff training[/url] by matt_outandabout[/url], on Flickr
    The old one, found on a Scottish hillside so recovered by landrover.
    IMGP3016[/url] by matt_outandabout[/url], on Flickr
    Lighting a kelly ketlle the proper way.
    IMAG0363[/url] by matt_outandabout[/url], on Flickr
    Brews up![/url] by matt_outandabout[/url], on Flickr

    Last weeks fun:
    Outdoor Cooking[/url] by matt_outandabout[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    That looks excellent fun and tasty food, Matt. I am almost embarrassed that I posted the pic above. Almost 🙂

    I was surprised no-one else had done similar, actually!

    Slow SillyTrackWorld day I guess. Good Cookin’TrackWorld, though. I’ve just finished stuffing my face with my own go-to meal of Linda Mccartney standard veg sausages and piles of Olive-oil roast veg [new potatoes, carrots, pepper, red onion and a few early sprouts]. All served with salt, pepper and lemon juice. I often add a dash of lemon or lime to BBQ’d food.

    Quick question : what are the things wrapped around the sticks over the bucket? Pastry?

    Full Member

    I agree that the washing machine drum does’t kit out much sideways heat, you need it roaring (along with the satisfying cracks and bangs) to get a warming effect unless you are sitting nice and close.

    However, it burns extremely hot within the drum and this meant even fairly fresh cut wood didn’t smoke and very little ash left, so if I do cave in (like I have a choice) and we end up with a Chimnea, I think the drum may stick around when as a garden incinerator, rather than those rubbish dustbins that just smoulder away smoking out all your neighbours, and leave 12 inches of ash in the bottom.

    Free Member

    Mine is just a lowley 19.99 bnm jobbie. Looks good and works so im happy winter red stag cherry sessions ahoy!!!!!

    Free Member


    Ok, Technically not a pit but I’d love one of these

    Free Member

    Cut out a chunk of grass and line it with some edging stuff. Great fun was had by all.

    Free Member

    Clicked in hopefully…goes away disappointed.

    Full Member

    Could have been me posting last week.

    Here she is!

    [/url] Untitled[/url] by danthomassw13[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Yeah, that was the one dan – I like

    JEngledow’s is cool too

    Now where did dazzlingboy get to?

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