Before you read all this, BG tiered pricing may be cheaper than the price you’ll pay for a clock, with the added bonus if a pro actually getting it right. If you buy a clock and it’s still not working you’ve lost out.
if you don’t know anything about electrics, then you need to get a pro in.
The reason I ask about a light/icon is that it sounds like a s plan.
An s plan motor head has a micro switch in that has a permanent live, the micro switch is supposed to make when the call for heat opens the valve, but if the micro switch sticks, then the valve will send power down the orange and fire the boiler regardless of there being a call for heat.
The backplate will look like this
If it is, then it’s usually a straight swap, but the wiring diagrams on the back of the clocks will tell you. There will be either jumpers or dip switches on the back of the clock. They allow you to set it to gravity, where the he can be ran on its own, or ch with he, or pumped, where the ch and hw can be ran independently, the clock may also give you the option of setting separate timings for hw and ch.