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  • other peoples freakin cats pooping on my lawn – how to stop?!!?!?!
  • beb
    Full Member

    Don't own a cat but lots of people round here do – result is much poop scooping before mowing the lawn or enjoying the garden – I hate it and find it bloody annoying clearing up after other peoples pets.

    Unfortunately I don't have time to lie in wait and snipe them with a super-soaker, so has anyone got/heard of ways to stop it or should I just get over it?

    Free Member

    Get a dog!

    Free Member

    Live animal trap, then a long drive to a distant release site. Seriously.

    Free Member

    Do cats ever actually shit it their owners garden? Ive often wondered when scraping the turd off the blades of my mower 👿
    Its really starting to do my head in now, but I cant bring myself to shoot the buggers, seems a little harsh for a bit off poo. Anyway, I'd also be intrested in any non leathal deterants people can surgest. Not them ultrasonic things though, I can hear them.

    Full Member

    cheers guys – dogs bring their own poop scooping reqs, apart from my mates dog who eats its own…grim.

    Dave – i like it!

    Any others??

    Free Member

    Someone once surgested Lion poop was a good deterant……but yep, thats not really ideal either?

    Free Member

    I have researched this…..
    The only thing you can do with a large area such as a lawn is to keep the grass really short, they don't like it as much as longer grass.
    I have had some success keeping them from $hitting on my gravel driveway by spraying jeyes fluid on their favourite area, this seems to work, but probably not good for a lawn.

    Free Member

    What about a garden sprinkler in the middle of the lawn, fed from a hose that has a washing machine fill valve spliced into it, which is triggered by a security light PIR sensor. Maybe even attach a bell so you get to watch the bugger being drowned….Hmmm, actually thats a good Idea, I might have a go at that when the weather perks up and the frost's gone 😀

    Free Member

    had the same issue myself a few years back,citronella oil mixed with water in a spray bottle, sprayed around garden, is natural oil and harmless to plants and cats alike (they just don't like it!), failing that some people just use citrus fruits scattered around the garden (rinds leftovers etc.)citronella oil is available in health food shops and places that sell oil burners,aroma therapy goods etc, alternative to this would be an ultrasonic emitter designed for this purpose available from homebase,b&q,hardware shops etc. my favourite is the airgun approach.

    Free Member

    You can already buy the auto water sprayers, "scarecrow" i think they are called.

    Once you have caught the filthy vermin in your live animal trap, you have a few options:
    1. Attach a note to its collar advising its owner that if caught on your property again, the cat will not be returned.

    2. "own" the cat by repeatedly urinating on it whilst in the trap. This is the ultimate humiliation for cats, and may keep it away from your territory.

    3. Release the cat in a galaxy far,far away………..

    Free Member

    Dave V – Brilliant! I personally like number 2! But I may just buy one of these water sprayers! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370092764624

    Free Member

    We bought large bags of dried chilli flakes from a local Asian spice shop and sprinkled it in the favourite areas. It was fun watching my nextdoor neighbours cat licking his paws after visiting us!

    You have also got to make them realise that they are most unwelcome in your garden by chaisng them out with lots of noise when you see them, regardless of what they are doing so they get the message, so you don't get their little messages …

    Dried lion poo is available on line and a friend has used it with success.

    But our ultimate success was moving 80 miles north to a predominantly dog owners area, so the only problem now is dog s$$t on your tyres after a ride and being chased through the park …

    Free Member

    Like the idea of chilli flakes, perhaps start off with citronella then use the lakes for special occasions

    Full Member

    cheers chaps some good ideas there!

    Full Member

    our neighbours cat is known locally as the pooer

    he poos alright! and digs up anything i attempt to plant in the flowerbeds

    if i see him i tempt him towards me, then get the hose out. that usually keeps him away for a week or two. unfortunately i can only carry out these patrols at weekends!

    Free Member

    I hope you get some success, beb, by using some of the more humane methods suggested.
    However, I'm increasingly concerned by Dave Vanderspeks hostilitude to my feline pals. Do you think that all that time spent Vanderolling on yer heid has turned you into some sort of animal torture fantasist? 🙂

    Free Member

    Covered pit and punji sticks should do the trick.

    Free Member

    plant a few mines in the lawn and a couple of claymore's round the edges…. should sort them out, and leave you with a very richly fertilised lawn after 😈

    Free Member

    Sure it is not fox poo? Cats do tend to bury where as fox will dump anywhere to mark territory

    Free Member

    plant lots of lillies and then sympathise with your neighbours as their cats all die of kidney failure?

    water pistol with 1:1 water:chilli oil sprayed on them means they never come back but only because they hate you.

    Free Member

    No, cats don't tend to bury their poo, sorry.

    Free Member

    Just bag the crap up and take it back to the owner and put it through the letterbox saying that they can have their own crap back.

    Full Member

    i once prodded an unusual object in our garden, expecting it to be a rock or something….

    you only make that mistake once!

    Free Member

    leave a bowl of anti freeze out for them and you will soon irradiate your problem! advice from the militant RSPB.

    Free Member

    I seem to remember hearing that if you leave anti-freeze out they'll drink it – they will die though so not so good maybe. I caught one up a tree and gave it a good drenching with the hose; was quite funny really as looked quite pathetic after that. Yeah it's mean but they kill small birds so doesn't really compare to that.

    Free Member

    my mate had this problem got some things set up in his garden that let out a sound of a frequency that is awful to cats. dunno what they were but think they were quite cheap and sorted the problem

    Full Member

    I almost like seeing the feline sh!t machines in the back garden. I feel just like a sinister Monty Burns as I "release the hounds" and watch the fur fly 😈 😆

    Free Member

    Dave, our cat does bury its poo, normally in our tree'd hedge, but admittedly in someone else's garden to …… The local foxes just Shite behind my compost bin…

    Free Member

    Of course the other option is to get your own cat… my dad used to hate cats and took pot shots at cats pooing in his garden with a air rifle, though since he now has a cat his attitude has changed and he now likes cats.

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