She is seeking $127,000 in damages from the boy, whose mother died last year.
Either a clever way to get some money from the family’s insurers (would household insurance pay out for that in the states?) for the boy who has lost his mother or a very low deed to cash in on her sister’s life insurance payout. Hoping it’s the former.
Jennifer Connell told the jury that she loves her nephew, and he has always been “very loving” and “sensitive” to her, but she believes he should be held responsible for her injuries.
a very low deed to cash in on her sister’s life insurance payout
That appears the most likely, given the timing. Can’t see any other reason an 8, 9, 10 or 11 year old wasn’t worth suing, but a newly bereaved 12 year old is…
We shouldn’t (even though it’s entertaining) stereotype all Americans as aggressively litigious, greedy and ignorant.
This woman is however certainly is, and I’m sure she has disgraced herself amongst her family, friends, and community. Horrible for the kid, but the tone of the article backs up the tone here. She’s nasty pondlife either side of the pond.
This case is one of those strange anomalies when you have a libertarian, ‘anyone can sue anyone for anything’ culture. It works a lot of the time but cases like this and constant high school shootings are a byproduct, along with a deregulated food market and the obesity problem.
The most charitable conclusion is that it was action forced by her medical insurers (sometimes they won’t pay for medical costs if an injury was caused by a third party, unless the injured party takes legal action against them). Worst case is that she’s a colossal bitch after a cut of her nephew’s inheritance.
‘anyone can sue anyone for anything’ culture. It works a lot of the time but cases like this and constant high school shootings are a byproduct, along with a deregulated food market and the obesity problem.
Jennifer Connell told the jury that she loves her nephew, and he has always been “very loving” and “sensitive” to her,
Not any longer me thinks.
Disgraceful behaviour whatever her reasons.
Although hurt, Connell said, she didn’t tell her nephew the extent of her injuries. “It was his birthday party, and I didn’t want to upset him,” she told the jury.
She thought she’d wait a bit to lessen the blow, you know, until after his mum died. She probably thought suing him would take his mind off the loss of his mum. It was actually a truly loving and altruistic act. 🙄
The most charitable conclusion is that it was action forced by her medical insurers
Even in America I don’t think it costs $127,000 to treat a broken wrist. According to this;
Even with surgery, it will cost $10k max. So however you look at it, she’s a slimebag.
Edit; examples of $20k there. Still $100k short though.
America the nation the believes that the rights of the individual are very important unless they disagree with you, the right to exist without the control of the state and do what you want but sue if you get hurt. It’s properly screwed, if it was in the middle east we would probably be looking at the oil and considering liberating the population.
Her dropping of vol-au-vents on her friends and colleagues carpets might have resulted in subsequent lawsuits claiming for damage – perhaps she was anticipating that?
Nach both the published jury verdict and the TV interview with the juror contradict the social media post. The boy was not found liable according to those sources the ” other ” thread on here had a link to the signed verdict.
Speaking on the Today Show, Jennifer Connell explained that her medical insurance wouldn’t pay out until a legal verdict had been obtained on the nature of the accident. This left her in the uncomfortable position of either having to fund all her healthcare bills out of her own pocket, sue her nephew aggressively to get his parents’ insurance to pay out, or sue half-heartedly with the hope of losing, which would trigger her insurance to cover the costs. She took the option that would save her relatives’ insurance being hammered but not bankrupt her either.