You lot are doing it wrong. Heat doesn’t actually go through the little holes you know… They radiate heat really well, only a big open fire pit is better and I can’t fit that on the back of the camper van.
As a veteran of a few types of fire these are by far the best at keeping a big group warm in the evening. You need dry hardwood split to size and keep it fed properly. Ours goes completely cherry red and no way can you sit close to it when it’s burning properly. In the morning 20kg of wood will barely leave any ash.
Bank Holiday camping in Alfriston[/url] by pictonroad[/url], on Flickr
With a bit more care you can re-use the back of the drum liner and bearing as a stand and it will spin for added amusement
Bank Holiday camping in Alfriston[/url] by pictonroad[/url], on Flickr
Ours has done 3 years of hard use, no sign of deteriating at all. From an older machine, maybe the new ones are thinner metal.