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  • how does i stop cats from $hitting in my flower bed!
  • drinkmoreport
    Free Member

    tell me your idea’s and hopefully they’ll be one that we’ve not used yet.

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    tiger poo.

    Free Member

    Tarmac it.

    Full Member

    lion poo, or peeing in it yourself apparently… or yes tarmac I suppose 😈

    Free Member

    kill all the cats.

    Free Member

    The neighbours black cats used to crap all over my slate chip driveway.

    I raked a load of bleach through it and I’ve not seen them on their since.

    Free Member

    Orange peel worked for me. I just threw some down, but you could make a spray if you don’t want bits of peel lying around the garden

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    Get a big Supersoaker and wait for them to try.

    Free Member

    tiger poo.

    Free Member

    I reckon it’s only a matter of weeks before my cat could take on a tiger.
    It devoured a mouse, two rabbits and a partridge last week.

    Free Member

    I have a sprinkler connected to a motion detector. Bit like a security light but with a sprinkler head instead of the light.
    Any vermin comes in for a dump and it gets sprayed. I moved it to a different position every couple of days just to keep ’em guessing. After a few weeks the local sh1t machines learnt not to come into my garden and I was poo free for the rest of the summer. I got mine on amazon.

    Just remember to turn the water off before you walk down the garden in the morning yourself 🙄
    It’s also good fun to turn it on the kids on a sunny day 🙂

    Free Member

    put its favourite food out for it every day.
    reverse psychology.

    Free Member

    get a dog.

    Free Member

    Get your own cat.

    We used to be overrun with the little furry feckers until we adopted a stray. Ours has at least half-a-dozen ambush locations within the garden its ability to search and destroy is most entertaining esp when the fat ginger tom settles down to take a dump and is violently attacked by a couple of kg of striped fur and 18 razor-sharp claws 🙂

    Full Member

    I have a sprinkler connected to a motion detector. Bit like a security light but with a sprinkler head instead of the light.
    Any vermin comes in for a dump and it gets sprayed. I moved it to a different position every couple of days just to keep ’em guessing. After a few weeks the local sh1t machines learnt not to come into my garden and I was poo free for the rest of the summer. I got mine on amazon.

    Just remember to turn the water off before you walk down the garden in the morning yourself
    It’s also good fun to turn it on the kids on a sunny day

    I like the sound of that. I’m getting sick of having to pick up cat crap before I can let my kids out into the garden.

    Free Member

    My Dad had problems with this, and the options were http://www.amazon.co.uk/STV-Big-Cheese-STV414-Repeller/dp/B003TLA4FS

    or get a dog, he got a dog and after a few warnings cats don’t go into his garden.

    Free Member

    Tried an electric fence from a garden centre?

    Full Member

    Land mines

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    white pepper, they will come back, but keep applying it 3 or 4 times and they will stop.

    Free Member

    Ignore it, it’s only cat poo in an inconspicous location.

    Free Member

    Ignore it, it’s only cat poo in an inconspicous location

    It’s not when your 2 year old carries a handful of it indoors saying “Look what I found in the garden dad”

    Free Member

    The only thing you can do is remove the flowerbed. or put down drawing pics affixed through tape whilst keeping your son out of the garden for a period of time. This WONT hurt the cat as they aren’t stupid. It’ll touch, then relearn its routine IMO.

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    Free Member

    Ignore it, it’s only cat poo in an inconspicous location.

    As the OP points out, it’s not unreasonable that a child should be able to play in the garden without getting covered in cat poo.

    Full Member

    can you hire that woman that got busted putting a cat in a wheelie bin

    kimbers jr was given a gardening set but i dont want him raking through all the cat eggs layed by our local wildlife menaces

    im with chris packham on this one

    we have far too many cats in this country

    Free Member

    Yeah but his GF keeps lions, which must be devastating the local sparrow population.

    Free Member

    12 bore!

    Free Member

    It’s not when your 2 year old carries a handful of it indoors saying “Look what I found in the garden dad”

    It’s called a life lesson and part of learning what you do and don’t pick up. Maybe it was just me who had these things forseen and told to me before I was left loose to walk about picking up poo? And since it’s in a flower bed it’s not as problematic as if it was on the lawn.

    #firstworldproblems (not feeling overly sympathetic today I must admit)

    Free Member

    It’s called a life lesson and part of learning what you do and don’t pick up. Maybe it was just me who had these things forseen and told to me before I was left loose to walk about picking up poo? And since it’s in a flower bed it’s not as problematic as if it was on the lawn.

    In other words, let someone else deal with the problems your pet causes.

    Nice bit of victim blaming there.

    Free Member

    Dr Gillian Mckeith grew up in a shit free garden, and look at the result.

    Free Member

    I did a powerpoint presentation explaining to my 2 year old what cat poo looks like, it’s inherent risks and how to avoid it, I even had her sign a training form so no-one could deny she wasn’t fully informed of the facts.
    But I don’t think she really took it all in.

    I learnt a life lesson though, and that was to keep cats out of my garden! (and cat sh1t stinks)

    Full Member

    Wring it’s neck, hit it over the head with a shovel or whatever. Then chuck the body in the road to be run over a few times. The owners will just think it was run over. They may get a new cat but most lose their enthusiasm after two or three have been squished.

    Dead cats don’t shit.

    Free Member

    We tried everything in our old house.

    Cat repellent – did nothing

    Tea bags soaked in lemon juice – no luck there, plus there were now tea bags in the flower beds

    Spikes to discourage cats from using the area – that worked, but made the flowerbed look like a minature tribute to Vlad Tepes.

    Never got around to trying the cayenne pepper. Moved house, got a dog. I love cats, but I think it’s irresponsible not to litter train them. Their poop stinks to high hell, especially when you go over it with a lawn mower. 🙁

    Free Member

    poison the cat, and leave the body out in the garden. With any luck, you’ll take a dog out too.

    Free Member

    “Dead cats don’t shit.”

    Brilliant title for a song. Or a film!

    Free Member

    We’ve had some success with one of those ultrasonic repellers, but it’s not perfect. Still, should my daughter get toxoplasmosis, she’ll have learnt a valuable life lesson.

    Free Member

    In other words, let someone else deal with the problems your pet causes.

    Oh no, i’m not suggesting it’s their fault, just that they don’t have to just sit and whine about it, just teach the kid not to pick up poo and get on ,with life if it as there is little chance you can do anything else. Point being education is better than reaction. But it you want all victims to be immune from any sort of self responsibility then crack on. (and yes parents assume responsibility for kids). Just being pragmatic.

    Free Member

    Just being pragmatic.

    Did you miss the bit about the kid being 2 years old? How about a crawling baby – how do you suggest teaching them to not pick up cat poo?

    You also seem to have missed the OP – which asked for advice on how to stop the cat pooing in the garden, rather than “whinin” as you put it.

    Full Member

    If anyone has had any success in training a 2yr old, can they let me in on the secret, cos mine don’t listen to a word I say.



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