Going to build a wooden gazebo in the garden approx 12 x 8 foot. It will have a solid back wall, the side will be solid to half way and then half height at the front, the front will be completly open.
The roof will be covered (paneled and tiled / shingled). The roof will slop 9’or 10′ high at the front to 7′ or 8′ at the back.
Now I fancy putting either a small fire pit (18-24″ across)in the middle towards the front of the gazeo put obviously is would be a lot warmer / cosier centred towards the back of the gazebo.
My two main concerns are heat and smoke. The gazebo will be a full wooden structure.
I thought putting vented areas at the apex front and rear would help to get rid of the smoke that is trapped in the roof space.
I also though i could maybe put some form of hood above it if it was at the rear with a chimney going out the top of the roof (Not sure how plausiable that would be)
So whats best fire pit front, fire pit back or just get a chimera…
Or will I just have a big bonfire after putting loads of work in?