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  • DIY Spray painting a frame
  • SilentSparky
    Free Member

    So I’ve got old of a heavily chipped/scratched frame from the tip:

    Fancy giving it a coat of paint, before I bother will it look totally gash using a can of spray paint? anyone got any examples of DIY paint jobs?

    Free Member

    some people are happy with DIY but if you hunt around you could save a lot of time and effort and get your local powder coater to do it for £30

    Free Member

    My rush Green paint job)
    Sprayed also Pikes too..

    Enamel paint better bit dearer but worth it,few coats of primer,3-5 coats of main colour 800 wet sand then 2-3 coats of clear celluce laquer..

    Leave to dry/harden 2-3wks

    Take your time some where warm is better dont rush it inbetween coats etc…

    Its very good for the soul as You can actually say ‘I did the spray job !’


    or powdercoat £45 for a faster way,cos they sand/beadblast 1st.

    Full Member

    Powdercoat makes more sense really, I’m hammeriting my old steelie and it’s time consuming and not that much cheaper really. And unless you know what you’re doing or you’re really willing to put the time in, you’re likely to get a fairly substandard result.

    jonnyvegas, you used celly laquer? Are you not finding it too soft for mtb use?

    Free Member

    You can get a decent result but its a lot of work and expense if you want something that looks vaguely pro. Or you could go for Plastikote or similar sprays that look ok from a few feet away and are easy to use.

    Powdercoating will give a good result that is hard wearing and don’t cost much

    Full Member

    Meh, plasticote… There’s a trend in motorbikes, which is to spray your bike with plsaticote or similiar, since in photos it looks great, just that if you get within a metre it looks horrendous. It really honks me off, all these “experts” telling everyone how easy it is to get a lovely finish, because they know that nobody on their favourite website will ever see it in the flesh, and it’s more important what the internet thinks than how it really is.

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