Home Forums Chat Forum Cats – advice needed

  • This topic has 24 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by timc.
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  • Cats – advice needed
  • kelvinh
    Free Member

    Cats fouling my garden has slowly got worse over the years to the point now I am picking up 4/5 pieces are sh1t a day.

    As you can image this is not pleasant especially as I don’t own a cat.
    The problem is both neighbours have 3 cats and the house behind 2 so I guess most of them are using my garden as a toilet.

    I do like cats but this is getting silly now. I have a 3 year old lad and he can’t go on the garden until it has been thoroughly checked each day. On one occasion he has stepped in it, luckily i noticed before he ran in the house.

    I dread him touching it or running it all through the house.
    It’s pretty sad that my child can’t use our garden properly.

    Can anyone offer advice on how to try and prevent this and get rid of their foul habits?
    They also really attempt to rip the turf up to cover their shite up.
    I don’t want to do anything to harm them as I’m an animal lover.

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    have words with cat owners.

    Free Member

    Kevevs – Member
    have words with cat owners.

    Funnily enough my neighbor did exactly this when my cat kept sitting under his bird table, waiting for them to land and feed then pounced up and dewinged anything he caught…

    I told him i’d talk to him about it 😛

    Seriously though only deterrent against cats is a bigger cat…

    Free Member

    lion poo fertiliser

    Free Member

    Cat have three levels of territory, the first is their ESP: Eating Sleeping Playing territory, which is inside their own house. The next territory is their outdoor area, which is several gardens wide and will be where they like to do their poo. The final is their exploring territory, which can be across fields and roads and is where they go at night. Unfortunately with so many cats’ outdoor areas coinciding in your garden and no cat in residence it’s ideal neutral gound for them. There’s nothing their owners can do. The answer is to make it your own territory. i.e. get a large territorial cat or maybe create the impression of one. Try a spray or try the lion poo idea, I’ve heard that it works.

    Full Member

    I got one of these

    £16 and all cat activity stopped within a week. The batteries seem to last 6 months and thats with me setting it off several times a day. (you can’t hear it obviously)

    Full Member

    jpeg[/url] by pten2106[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Paintball gun.
    Freeze the paint balls.

    Free Member

    A neighbor of mine uses 2 litre bottles minus the labels half filled with water laid on there side.

    If that doesn’t work, start ringing necks…….


    Free Member

    Think there’s a bloke on here that would come and shoot them for you, apparently he’d do anything for a chaffinch or something….

    Full Member

    Used tea bags, soak in cheap bleach, distribute widely in garden.

    Free Member

    This works for me…


    Free Member

    there you go again Shibboleth, cant help yourself commenting inappropriately on a cat thread can you?

    EDIT: oh and 😉 because that makes the comment funny right?

    Free Member

    Kelvin asked for a range of options so he could decide which one suited his needs best. There’s no denying, it’s an option. A very effective one too. And when you’ve solved the cat problem, you can start using it to deter children from scrumping in the orchard. 😉 😉 😉 😀

    Free Member

    those cat scarers are horrible, despite over 5 years of playing live metal shows i can still hear the frequency and its brain splittingly painful if a neighbour gets one. once had to move house because the neighbours had one in the back garden and i couldn’t spend time at home due to the bloody thing going off all the time.

    came close to destroying it, worse than a 24hr rave happening next to your bedroom as its so piercing!

    Free Member

    I used the defenders megasonic thingy and it worked immediately, you’re not supposed to hear the noise unless you’re a cat, or have special powers.

    Free Member

    most kids can still hear those frequencies too, thats why they use them to piss off teenagers to the point where they stop hanging around the front of shopping centres etc.

    Full Member

    Not an advocate of this by any means, but it worked 100% for my dad and I can’t deny its effectiveness. Bear in mind we had two cats at the time but, like OP, we were surrounded by cat-loving neighbours and my dad was fed up of picking up everyone else’s cats’ poo. We ended up with only our cats in the garden.

    Keep an eye out for the offending cats, and have a just-boiled kettle full of water to hand at all times:

    1. Spy cat
    2. Grab kettle
    3. Drench cat
    4. ????
    5. Profit

    The distance through the air cools the water to somewhat less than 3rd degree burns temperature so it’s totally humane, or so my dad says.

    Free Member

    4. ????
    5. Profit

    Your dad doesn’t own a Chinese takeaway does he?

    Free Member

    The ultrasonic things work but you have to play about with the frequency a bit.
    Trying pissing around the boundary of YOUR garden.
    Cut your hair and put it in old socks and hang it around the problem areas.
    Supersoaker with chilli oil/water in it.
    Bigger cat
    Pepper and citrus by all accounts.
    I’m not a lover of them and suffered as you did. The ultrasonic thing worked.
    there was a CLOSED thread on STW about this recently. Antifreeze apparently works well albeit I would advocate trying it as the RSPCA would probably have you in court for the cats rights to use your garden as a toilet.
    Tim, gardener and cat hater within the law.

    Free Member


    Worth a read. Got a bit silly though as these things tend to when it comes down to cats.

    Free Member

    Yawn, this will be closed once shibboleth gets going on his full strength troll juice.
    Try searching for useful comments, as this has been done just about as many times as the dogs out of control threads. Its all very tedious and repetitive.

    Free Member

    Cats – advice needed

    I am in no position to offer any advice.

    Free Member

    Shibboleth – Member
    Kelvin asked for a range of options so he could decide which one suited his needs best. There’s no denying, it’s an option. A very effective one too. And when you’ve solved the cat problem, you can start using it to deter children from scrumping in the orchard

    no consolation when you are in a wheel chair with no use of your legs because crazy cat women retaliated by running you over 😆

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