Funny, I just posted about my Rock Lobster 853. I bought the frame with a Reba Team fork for £400, last summer. Bargainacious!
I spose proper decent bikes are ‘spensive’, compared with other things, but what about ‘value for money’? I’d say spending £2k on a nice bike is a hell of a lot better investment, and value for money, than buying an iPhone, or whatever.
When I worked in bike shops, I wanted all the top of the range stuff, and could get it a lot cheaper than most people. Now, I have the bikes I need, and don’t really want another one. Ittud be nice to have a full susser, but I can live without it. Had I some disposable right now, I’d actually buy some nice clothes, as I jolly well have not done that in a while. Sod bikes.