A quick recap for those who haven’t followed this 6 year saga of me vs. medicine so far.
I did this
AnkleEnhanced by WCA![/url], on Flickr
So they did this
20151021_105206 by WCA![/url], on Flickr
But this still ket happening
20160828_234229 by WCA![/url], on Flickr
I didn’t like the pain and they didn’t like the xray so they decided to bolt through the blue lines to stop anything inside moving and hurting
Ankle by WCA![/url], on Flickr
Immediately post-op looked fine
20180202_062626 by WCA![/url], on Flickr
Until I moved my foot a bit
20180202_001654 by WCA![/url], on Flickr
When I looked at the other side of the foot it was like the horses head sene from The Godfather
20180202_092541 by WCA![/url], on Flickr
The reckoned another bandage over the top to add some pressure would be fine and sent me home at lunchtime. When I took the Vacu-cast boot off to go to bed it was clear they were wrong so back off to hospital
20180202_214147 by WCA![/url], on Flickr
They decided to unwrap to see what it was like under the dressing
20180202_223524 by WCA![/url], on Flickr
I think I have found the source of the blood
20180202_223634 by WCA![/url], on Flickr
They cleaned it all up and the incision looked okay. Any surgeons want to comment on the number and spacing of the sutures?
20180202_223944 by WCA![/url], on Flickr
All cleaned, covered and ready for wrapping before sending me home again at 11pm. No fresh blood showing through the bandages today.
20180202_225351 by WCA![/url], on Flickr