Up The Buttress 2014: Results and photos

by 6

With the infamous cobbles of the Buttress running greasier than an Ali Baba’s kebab, it was clear that anyone taking part in this year’s Up the Buttress Hebden hill climb would have to spend time working on optimal tyre pressure and pedalling technique if they wanted to be in with a chance of winning.


Another good turnout saw riders battling for traction in front of an encouraging/heckling crowd for a chance to win something from the prize pile kindly donated by race sponsors.

But enough of that, here’s some bike mounted police doing their bit for community relations (thanks DazH for capturing the moment)…

Thanks to the sponsors:

  • Orange
  • Hope
  • Yorkshire Tea
  • Blazing Saddles
  • Lazer
  • Singletrack/Grit.cx
  • Butt’r
  • South Pennines Walk and Ride festival
  • Bridestones brewery
  • Victor and Liberty
  • Timothy Taylors
Only 400 yards of greasy cobble to go
If you made it this far you still had a way to go
Polite encouragement


Race face on…
He started well
Did he make it? Fat Chance
The start of the corridor of heckle
Ballast or baby participation? You decide…
Not far away.

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The Wobbler
Some people won something
He really likes tea



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Screen Shot 2014-09-08 at 15.30.23Full results here.


Chipps Chippendale

Singletrackworld's Editor At Large

With 23 years as Editor of Singletrack World Magazine, Chipps is the longest-running mountain bike magazine editor in the world. He started in the bike trade in 1990 and became a full time mountain bike journalist at the start of 1994. Over the last 30 years as a bike writer and photographer, he has seen mountain bike culture flourish, strengthen and diversify and bike technology go from rigid steel frames to fully suspended carbon fibre (and sometimes back to rigid steel as well.)

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