Fresh Goods Friday 582 – do you wish for Swedish squish?

This week’s Fresh Goods Friday is brought to you by Dr Seuss. Not really. It’s brought to you by several Singletrackworld staffers who are ensconced in different levels of fleece...

Fresh Goods Friday 581 – Keeping Things Regular

What tyres for a ploughed field? What mountain bike tyres for mostly road use? Is there such a thing as a mudguard with a built in mud scraper? Why aren’t...

Fresh Goods Friday 580 – ‘Twas the bike before Xmas

When all through the office not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The helmets were hung by the workshop with care, and hopes that FedEx soon would be...

Fresh Goods Friday 577 – The warm up before listening edition

You may find that the music in this week’s edition causes neck injuries. Please undertake some gentle warm up exercises before going full mosh. It’s started. We are in it....

Fresh Goods Friday 575 – Tah Dah! All the Fuzzy Feels

This is a warm and fuzzy Fresh Goods Friday – good vibes all round, as you lot kindly donated over £1000 to World Bicycle Relief last weekend, which will get...

Fresh Goods Friday 574 – Welsh Caves and French Punk

We’re going to assume you’re here for a little escapism and don’t want us to remind you of all the things in the news that might make you a teensy...

Fresh Goods Friday 573 – Snacks, Slacks and Old Words

Get your boosters, wear a mask, play outside. Try not to be a dick. Be nice to people, say hi, take your litter home. Make someone else happy, hug your...

Fresh Goods Friday 572 – Firing On Most Cylinders

A combination of staffers taking half term off, and three staff households having the Covid has led to a half-staffed Singletrack this week. Many of us have been pinged by...

Fresh Goods Friday 571 – The ‘Quick! It’s briefly sunny outside’ issue

It’s all got a bit ping-tastic up here, so some of us are diving outside and enjoying a bike ride while we can, others have their fingers crossed for half...

A Very Colourful Fresh Goods Friday 570

What joys will this weekend bring? Hopefully some clear skies, low winds and crunchy trails. If autumnal rides aren’t your bag, how about a duvet day with the latest issue...

Fresh Goods Friday 568 – Vive La Revolution!

Welcome to the corner of smug. Hasn’t it been a great week? All that sailing past queues of cars, all that totally not worrying about fuel because you don’t need...

Fresh Goods Friday 563 – Bank Holiday Treats

The sun is shining, the birds are tweeting, the bees are buzzing, and it’s the weekend! If you’ve failed to make plans for this summery treat of an August Bank...

Fresh Goods Friday 562 | The Raw Tubes and Rubber Edition

This week in Fresh Goods Friday we have cordless tools, beautiful German bikes, and limited edition rubber! Has the bike and component shortage finally come to an end? No, we...

Fresh Goods Friday 561 – The Chipps Gets Married Edition

One might suspect that a container ship has landed, as this week there’s a flurry of product launches and a whole three bikes in today’s Fresh Goods Friday. But never...

Fresh Goods Friday 560 – The Padded Pyjamas Edition

Ahh yes. Early summer holiday weather. Schools have broken up, the caravans have been woken from their slumber and it’s still a bit tricky to go abroad, so most people...

2022 Orange Alpine Evo review

Fresh Goods Friday 559 – Le Freak, C’est Chic

How very odd. Tonight, at the Trades Club just along the road from Singletrack Towers, it is possible to go to a disco. Not an outdoor silent disco with headphones,...

Fresh Goods Friday 558 – The I’m Not Too Hot, YOU’RE Too Hot Edition

The current heatwave is both a treat and a challenge. Riding bikes in anything over 24°C seems more challenging in the UK than it does abroad. Our shops and cafes...

Fresh Goods Friday 558 – Here Comes Summer!

Finally, it appears that we can wish everyone a great weekend of bike riding in great weather. We appear to have hit the sweet spot between the assorted bonkers weather...

Fresh Goods Friday 557 – The One With A Rhino, a Wolf and an Elephant

As that boat finally leaves that canal and heads our way – hopefully with a few bikes aboard – and you continue your search for elusive quick-links and cassettes, spare...

charlie skateboard

Fresh Goods Friday 556 – The Everything Is Biting Us Edition

This week has flown by in a flurry of nettle stings, sun burn, midge bites and paper stitches. Bulk orders of midge repellent have been placed following a particularly biblical...

Fresh Goods Friday 555 – The Big Life Changes Edition

This week we’ve managed to fit in a house move, a haircut, and an engagement at Singletrack Virtual Towers. If we extend the family ties a little, there’s also been...

Fresh Goods Friday 554 – The Make The Most Of It Edition

Yes, a week until the solstice, the weather is (mostly) looking up, previously muddy trails are now dry, dusty (and now full of nettles) and everyone is wondering how it’s...

Fresh Goods Friday 552: The Four Day Week Edition

As mountain bikers, the sun brings us a great amount of yays with very few nays. Yay to dry dusty trails, less to clean up, less layers to carry, GRIP!...

Fresh Goods Friday 550 – The ‘Month To Midsummer’ Edition

Yes, make sure you’re enjoying every day of the summer so far, you’ve got a month before it all starts fading away. OK, OK, it’s not all bad. We know...

Wheels, Tyres, Clothing, Chickens: It’s Fresh Goods Friday 549

Do you ever set out for a ride and realise the moment you’re out the door that your legs are too tired to join you? It happens frequently to some...

Fresh Goods Friday 548 – The everything is secret edition

Yes, we have stuff, but we can’t tell you about it. It’s all secret. It’s a moving feast of secrecy. As if it wasn’t complicated enough to remember what can...

Fresh Goods Friday 547: The Dr Dolittle Extra Animal Edition

Lockdown, week whatever. Or are we still locked down? Kind of not – we can ride bikes with five friends and sit outside a pub in all of our coats....

Wheels, Components, Lycra and Turkish Rock: Fresh Goods Friday 545

There’s plenty of news to talk about this week. I believe the pubs are open? And Scotland is easing restrictions on how many pals you can see at once? Well...

Fresh Goods Friday 544 – Blinking into the bright future

Have you got your Big Coats at the ready? A nice warm hat? A fetching mask and a handy bottle of hand gel? The pubs are soon to open, and...

Pole Taival Frame

Fresh Goods Friday 543: A jam-packed Easter FGF

We’ve crammed so much stuff into this week’s Fresh Good Friday we worry we won’t have room for our Easter Eggs this weekend! If you have been following FGF recently...

Fresh Goods Friday 582 – do you wish for Swedish squish?

This week’s Fresh Goods Friday is brought to you by Dr Seuss. Not really. It’s brought to you by several Singletrackworld staffers who are ensconced in different levels of fleece...

Fresh Goods Friday 581 – Keeping Things Regular

What tyres for a ploughed field? What mountain bike tyres for mostly road use? Is there such a thing as a mudguard with a built in mud scraper? Why aren’t...

Fresh Goods Friday 580 – ‘Twas the bike before Xmas

When all through the office not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The helmets were hung by the workshop with care, and hopes that FedEx soon would be...

Fresh Goods Friday 577 – The warm up before listening edition

You may find that the music in this week’s edition causes neck injuries. Please undertake some gentle warm up exercises before going full mosh. It’s started. We are in it....

Fresh Goods Friday 575 – Tah Dah! All the Fuzzy Feels

This is a warm and fuzzy Fresh Goods Friday – good vibes all round, as you lot kindly donated over £1000 to World Bicycle Relief last weekend, which will get...

Fresh Goods Friday 574 – Welsh Caves and French Punk

We’re going to assume you’re here for a little escapism and don’t want us to remind you of all the things in the news that might make you a teensy...

Fresh Goods Friday 573 – Snacks, Slacks and Old Words

Get your boosters, wear a mask, play outside. Try not to be a dick. Be nice to people, say hi, take your litter home. Make someone else happy, hug your...

Fresh Goods Friday 572 – Firing On Most Cylinders

A combination of staffers taking half term off, and three staff households having the Covid has led to a half-staffed Singletrack this week. Many of us have been pinged by...

Fresh Goods Friday 571 – The ‘Quick! It’s briefly sunny outside’ issue

It’s all got a bit ping-tastic up here, so some of us are diving outside and enjoying a bike ride while we can, others have their fingers crossed for half...

A Very Colourful Fresh Goods Friday 570

What joys will this weekend bring? Hopefully some clear skies, low winds and crunchy trails. If autumnal rides aren’t your bag, how about a duvet day with the latest issue...

Fresh Goods Friday 568 – Vive La Revolution!

Welcome to the corner of smug. Hasn’t it been a great week? All that sailing past queues of cars, all that totally not worrying about fuel because you don’t need...

Fresh Goods Friday 563 – Bank Holiday Treats

The sun is shining, the birds are tweeting, the bees are buzzing, and it’s the weekend! If you’ve failed to make plans for this summery treat of an August Bank...

Fresh Goods Friday 562 | The Raw Tubes and Rubber Edition

This week in Fresh Goods Friday we have cordless tools, beautiful German bikes, and limited edition rubber! Has the bike and component shortage finally come to an end? No, we...

Fresh Goods Friday 561 – The Chipps Gets Married Edition

One might suspect that a container ship has landed, as this week there’s a flurry of product launches and a whole three bikes in today’s Fresh Goods Friday. But never...

Fresh Goods Friday 560 – The Padded Pyjamas Edition

Ahh yes. Early summer holiday weather. Schools have broken up, the caravans have been woken from their slumber and it’s still a bit tricky to go abroad, so most people...

2022 Orange Alpine Evo review

Fresh Goods Friday 559 – Le Freak, C’est Chic

How very odd. Tonight, at the Trades Club just along the road from Singletrack Towers, it is possible to go to a disco. Not an outdoor silent disco with headphones,...

Fresh Goods Friday 558 – The I’m Not Too Hot, YOU’RE Too Hot Edition

The current heatwave is both a treat and a challenge. Riding bikes in anything over 24°C seems more challenging in the UK than it does abroad. Our shops and cafes...

Fresh Goods Friday 558 – Here Comes Summer!

Finally, it appears that we can wish everyone a great weekend of bike riding in great weather. We appear to have hit the sweet spot between the assorted bonkers weather...

Fresh Goods Friday 557 – The One With A Rhino, a Wolf and an Elephant

As that boat finally leaves that canal and heads our way – hopefully with a few bikes aboard – and you continue your search for elusive quick-links and cassettes, spare...

charlie skateboard

Fresh Goods Friday 556 – The Everything Is Biting Us Edition

This week has flown by in a flurry of nettle stings, sun burn, midge bites and paper stitches. Bulk orders of midge repellent have been placed following a particularly biblical...

Fresh Goods Friday 555 – The Big Life Changes Edition

This week we’ve managed to fit in a house move, a haircut, and an engagement at Singletrack Virtual Towers. If we extend the family ties a little, there’s also been...

Fresh Goods Friday 554 – The Make The Most Of It Edition

Yes, a week until the solstice, the weather is (mostly) looking up, previously muddy trails are now dry, dusty (and now full of nettles) and everyone is wondering how it’s...

Fresh Goods Friday 552: The Four Day Week Edition

As mountain bikers, the sun brings us a great amount of yays with very few nays. Yay to dry dusty trails, less to clean up, less layers to carry, GRIP!...

Fresh Goods Friday 550 – The ‘Month To Midsummer’ Edition

Yes, make sure you’re enjoying every day of the summer so far, you’ve got a month before it all starts fading away. OK, OK, it’s not all bad. We know...

Wheels, Tyres, Clothing, Chickens: It’s Fresh Goods Friday 549

Do you ever set out for a ride and realise the moment you’re out the door that your legs are too tired to join you? It happens frequently to some...

Fresh Goods Friday 548 – The everything is secret edition

Yes, we have stuff, but we can’t tell you about it. It’s all secret. It’s a moving feast of secrecy. As if it wasn’t complicated enough to remember what can...

Fresh Goods Friday 547: The Dr Dolittle Extra Animal Edition

Lockdown, week whatever. Or are we still locked down? Kind of not – we can ride bikes with five friends and sit outside a pub in all of our coats....

Wheels, Components, Lycra and Turkish Rock: Fresh Goods Friday 545

There’s plenty of news to talk about this week. I believe the pubs are open? And Scotland is easing restrictions on how many pals you can see at once? Well...

Fresh Goods Friday 544 – Blinking into the bright future

Have you got your Big Coats at the ready? A nice warm hat? A fetching mask and a handy bottle of hand gel? The pubs are soon to open, and...

Pole Taival Frame

Fresh Goods Friday 543: A jam-packed Easter FGF

We’ve crammed so much stuff into this week’s Fresh Good Friday we worry we won’t have room for our Easter Eggs this weekend! If you have been following FGF recently...