Fresh Goods Friday 542 – Here Comes the Sun

Happy Friday everyone! This Fresh Goods Friday comes to you like a beam of sunlight piercing through the clouds. Optimistic, warm and filled with positivity. It’s a while since I...

sunn french connexion racing

Fresh Goods Friday 541 – The Sunn is shining edition!

While we won’t argue with anyone at all that it’s high time for spring – after all, the flowers are popping and the winter was soooo long and soooo cold,...

Fresh Goods Friday 540 – The We’re Coming Up On 20 Edition!

Normally here it is customary to include some waffle and some wibble about whatever is happening in the world. But a) we’ve no idea what’s happening in the world because...

Cotic BFE Max

Fresh Goods Friday 539 – The Where’d Everybody Go? Edition

It’s a quiet old day in Singletrack (Virtual) Towers today as several staff are off on well-earned days off and the rest of us are head-down and working towards the...

Fresh Goods Friday 538 – Are You Jumpy or Grumpy?

The countdown to (a bit more) freedom is on. We might (possibly maybe) soon be able to meet a few friends outside, or head to the pub after a ride,...

Fresh Goods Friday 537 – The Hope Edition

It’s that time of year when each ride is an opportunity to look out for signs of hope. Snowdrops, daffodils, lambs, bees – with each sighting Spring gets a better...

From The Frozen North It’s Fresh Goods Friday 536

Opening with the obvious – it’s really cold. Instead of grumbling about this relentless deep freeze we’re experiencing, I’d like to show you this incredible ice sculpture created at the...

Fresh Goods Friday 535 – Bringing colour to your life

It’s a grey old world out there right now, but this week’s mailbox has brought us a shower of colour. Which got our thoughts turning to our walls. Did you...

Fresh Goods Friday 534: The ‘We’ve Found Bikes!’ Edition

It’s a crazy time – in general, but also in bike land. First, everyone seems to have sold all of their bikes and there are some long lead times heading...

Fresh Goods Friday 533 – The Too Much Weather Edition

What’s his name? Storm Christoph? He can bog off now, thanks. We’ve had enough ‘exciting’ weather for a while and we’d just like some nice, dull, grey, dry winter weather...

The Self Improvement Edition: Fresh Goods Friday 532

I’m putting my positive pants on for this round of Lockdown. It sucks, for many reasons we are all aware of, so I plan to make something good come of...

Fresh Goods Friday 531 – The Homeschool Breakdown Edition

What have you learnt this week? And what have your kids learnt? Have you thrown yourself into creative home schooling and your offspring are now adept at cooking, sewing, and...


Fresh Goods Friday 530 – Well Hello 2021!

We know that it’s been pretty hard to keep track of what day it is all year, and whack the amorphous zone of Twixtmas into the equation and we suspect...

Fresh Goods Friday 529 – The Quiet Mad Friday In Edition

Traditionally this would be ‘Mad Friday’ when everyone would be out on the town being inappropriately over familiar with their office mates while wearing a poor choice of jumper and...

Merida Ninety Six 8000

Fresh Goods Friday 528 – THE One Where We ASK you QUESTIONS

We are going to start this week’s Fresh Goods Friday with a survey. The results will be sent to Mark, Chipps, Zoe, their MPs, your MP, and your parents. How...

Fresh Goods 523 | Cars, Guitars, Beer and Women

Feeling a little tired? Thumbs suffering RSI from doom scrolling and refreshing? Now totally expert on US constitutional law? Still gripped? Go join in on the forum. Here, we’re taking...

Fresh Goods Friday 522 – The ‘Oh, Not Again’ Edition

Wasn’t that the thought of the Hitchiker’s Guide whale that turned into a plant pot (or was it the other way round?) Anyway, it seems that Singletrack Towers is locking...

Fresh Goods Friday 521 – The ‘Let’s Get Funky’ edition

Ahh, Friday, the gateway to the weekend and freedom from work. Or not, as seems the case with many of us at the moment. Wherever you are, we hope that...

Fresh Goods Friday 520 – The Take Us To A Quiet Space Edition

Put you left foot in, your right arm out, stick your bum into the air and shake it all about. Never mind tiers, levels, deal or no deal, or clips...

Fresh Goods Friday 519 – The ‘Not Van Halen too?’ Edition

Hey! How’s it going? Sorry for the late appearance of Fresh Goods this week, we’ve had a busy old week and there’s a lot of stuff to get through. Grab...

Fresh Goods Friday 518 | The Great British Doorstep Disco Edition

Hurrah! It’s Friday! Go wild, do your hair, get your glad rags on and… erm… sit on the sofa with a takeaway? Humph. What this world needs right now is...

Fresh Goods Friday 517: Autumn is here!

This week has seen the temperature drop, almost overnight, which raises a few points. Have you got a good jacket? Are your socks warm enough? What’s your shoe drying regime?...

Fresh Goods Friday 516 – The ‘Oh no, not again’ edition.

Yep, we’re going to be starting with the news-just-in that us lot in Calderdale, along with the rest of most of the north are locking down again – though not...

Fresh Goods Friday 515 – The Six and Half a Dozen Edition

Six. Six is the number of sausages you annoyingly get in some packets – just the wrong number for a family of four. Give us sausages in multiples of 8!...

Fresh Goods 514 – The Stand Inna Garden Edition

Yes, without wishing to gloat too much, us Calderdale residents are now afforded the luxury of being able to actually stand in someone else’s garden having previously been denied the...

Fresh Goods Friday 513

Fresh Goods 513 | Andi’s Vacation Collection

Are you here for the waffle, or the product? If you’re here for the product, Andi says: Just because he had 2 weeks away from the office doesn’t mean the...

Fresh Goods Friday 512: It’s Hardtail Season

Let’s start Fresh Goods Friday with some breaking news! Carly, the Scottish half of everyone’s favourite Van Gals, has had her first major crash. Naturally, Emma responded as any good...

Fresh Goods Friday: FGF 511 – The Can-we, can’t we? edition

Crazy times on crazier times. We find ourselves here at Singletrack Towers in the midst of local lockdown where we can’t go to someone’s house or garden, but we can...

Fresh Goods Friday 510 – Where’d They Go? Where’d Who Go?

We’ll start you off with five points if you got the ‘Top Gun’ reference. We actually know one bike journalist who would begin every single ride with the first ten...

Fresh Goods Friday 511: This Is Summer Edition

Yep, it looks like today is summer! With sucky weather for the last month up here in Singletrack Land, today is the day when the mercury is set to top...

Fresh Goods Friday 542 – Here Comes the Sun

Happy Friday everyone! This Fresh Goods Friday comes to you like a beam of sunlight piercing through the clouds. Optimistic, warm and filled with positivity. It’s a while since I...

sunn french connexion racing

Fresh Goods Friday 541 – The Sunn is shining edition!

While we won’t argue with anyone at all that it’s high time for spring – after all, the flowers are popping and the winter was soooo long and soooo cold,...

Fresh Goods Friday 540 – The We’re Coming Up On 20 Edition!

Normally here it is customary to include some waffle and some wibble about whatever is happening in the world. But a) we’ve no idea what’s happening in the world because...

Cotic BFE Max

Fresh Goods Friday 539 – The Where’d Everybody Go? Edition

It’s a quiet old day in Singletrack (Virtual) Towers today as several staff are off on well-earned days off and the rest of us are head-down and working towards the...

Fresh Goods Friday 538 – Are You Jumpy or Grumpy?

The countdown to (a bit more) freedom is on. We might (possibly maybe) soon be able to meet a few friends outside, or head to the pub after a ride,...

Fresh Goods Friday 537 – The Hope Edition

It’s that time of year when each ride is an opportunity to look out for signs of hope. Snowdrops, daffodils, lambs, bees – with each sighting Spring gets a better...

From The Frozen North It’s Fresh Goods Friday 536

Opening with the obvious – it’s really cold. Instead of grumbling about this relentless deep freeze we’re experiencing, I’d like to show you this incredible ice sculpture created at the...

Fresh Goods Friday 535 – Bringing colour to your life

It’s a grey old world out there right now, but this week’s mailbox has brought us a shower of colour. Which got our thoughts turning to our walls. Did you...

Fresh Goods Friday 534: The ‘We’ve Found Bikes!’ Edition

It’s a crazy time – in general, but also in bike land. First, everyone seems to have sold all of their bikes and there are some long lead times heading...

Fresh Goods Friday 533 – The Too Much Weather Edition

What’s his name? Storm Christoph? He can bog off now, thanks. We’ve had enough ‘exciting’ weather for a while and we’d just like some nice, dull, grey, dry winter weather...

The Self Improvement Edition: Fresh Goods Friday 532

I’m putting my positive pants on for this round of Lockdown. It sucks, for many reasons we are all aware of, so I plan to make something good come of...

Fresh Goods Friday 531 – The Homeschool Breakdown Edition

What have you learnt this week? And what have your kids learnt? Have you thrown yourself into creative home schooling and your offspring are now adept at cooking, sewing, and...


Fresh Goods Friday 530 – Well Hello 2021!

We know that it’s been pretty hard to keep track of what day it is all year, and whack the amorphous zone of Twixtmas into the equation and we suspect...

Fresh Goods Friday 529 – The Quiet Mad Friday In Edition

Traditionally this would be ‘Mad Friday’ when everyone would be out on the town being inappropriately over familiar with their office mates while wearing a poor choice of jumper and...

Merida Ninety Six 8000

Fresh Goods Friday 528 – THE One Where We ASK you QUESTIONS

We are going to start this week’s Fresh Goods Friday with a survey. The results will be sent to Mark, Chipps, Zoe, their MPs, your MP, and your parents. How...

Fresh Goods 523 | Cars, Guitars, Beer and Women

Feeling a little tired? Thumbs suffering RSI from doom scrolling and refreshing? Now totally expert on US constitutional law? Still gripped? Go join in on the forum. Here, we’re taking...

Fresh Goods Friday 522 – The ‘Oh, Not Again’ Edition

Wasn’t that the thought of the Hitchiker’s Guide whale that turned into a plant pot (or was it the other way round?) Anyway, it seems that Singletrack Towers is locking...

Fresh Goods Friday 521 – The ‘Let’s Get Funky’ edition

Ahh, Friday, the gateway to the weekend and freedom from work. Or not, as seems the case with many of us at the moment. Wherever you are, we hope that...

Fresh Goods Friday 520 – The Take Us To A Quiet Space Edition

Put you left foot in, your right arm out, stick your bum into the air and shake it all about. Never mind tiers, levels, deal or no deal, or clips...

Fresh Goods Friday 519 – The ‘Not Van Halen too?’ Edition

Hey! How’s it going? Sorry for the late appearance of Fresh Goods this week, we’ve had a busy old week and there’s a lot of stuff to get through. Grab...

Fresh Goods Friday 518 | The Great British Doorstep Disco Edition

Hurrah! It’s Friday! Go wild, do your hair, get your glad rags on and… erm… sit on the sofa with a takeaway? Humph. What this world needs right now is...

Fresh Goods Friday 517: Autumn is here!

This week has seen the temperature drop, almost overnight, which raises a few points. Have you got a good jacket? Are your socks warm enough? What’s your shoe drying regime?...

Fresh Goods Friday 516 – The ‘Oh no, not again’ edition.

Yep, we’re going to be starting with the news-just-in that us lot in Calderdale, along with the rest of most of the north are locking down again – though not...

Fresh Goods Friday 515 – The Six and Half a Dozen Edition

Six. Six is the number of sausages you annoyingly get in some packets – just the wrong number for a family of four. Give us sausages in multiples of 8!...

Fresh Goods 514 – The Stand Inna Garden Edition

Yes, without wishing to gloat too much, us Calderdale residents are now afforded the luxury of being able to actually stand in someone else’s garden having previously been denied the...

Fresh Goods Friday 513

Fresh Goods 513 | Andi’s Vacation Collection

Are you here for the waffle, or the product? If you’re here for the product, Andi says: Just because he had 2 weeks away from the office doesn’t mean the...

Fresh Goods Friday 512: It’s Hardtail Season

Let’s start Fresh Goods Friday with some breaking news! Carly, the Scottish half of everyone’s favourite Van Gals, has had her first major crash. Naturally, Emma responded as any good...

Fresh Goods Friday: FGF 511 – The Can-we, can’t we? edition

Crazy times on crazier times. We find ourselves here at Singletrack Towers in the midst of local lockdown where we can’t go to someone’s house or garden, but we can...

Fresh Goods Friday 510 – Where’d They Go? Where’d Who Go?

We’ll start you off with five points if you got the ‘Top Gun’ reference. We actually know one bike journalist who would begin every single ride with the first ten...

Fresh Goods Friday 511: This Is Summer Edition

Yep, it looks like today is summer! With sucky weather for the last month up here in Singletrack Land, today is the day when the mercury is set to top...