North London Dirt returns for 2019

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After the sell out success of the first edition of North London Dirt, the organisers have decided to return this year.

Last year’s event – escaping the streets of London (Photo credit: Dan Glasser)


NLD II features a brand new seventy(ish) mile route running out of North East London and taking in as many back roads, dirt tracks and gravel paths as organisers, Philip and Andrew Diprose, have been able to fit in.

But there was also plenty of this…. (Photo credit: Dan Glasser)

It is not a hand-holding sportive, there are no signs telling you which way to go, tables full of battered banana halves and an oversized t-shirt to collect at the end…
…but you will enjoy mighty fine coffee (courtesy of Rapha’s Spitalfields Clubhouse), a new and unique route and a quality locally brewed beer waiting for you at the end.

And it’s for a good cause

North London Dirt is again raising funds for the New St Mary’s Centre in Stoke Newington (that houses amongst other things, the Hackney Night Shelter, the Hackney Migrant Centre and the local foodbank). Since the last event, funding is almost there, and building has started: a real local success story!

Gravel tracks and quiet backroads are the order of the day. The Diprose brothers riding their own event (Photo credit: Dan Glasser)

All of the proceeds from the event will go to the charity.

The deets

The event is on 8 September 2019. You can enter here.
You’ll be riding a bike with tyres suitable for road and off-road – bearing in mind you’d be pushing it a bit with slick narrow tyres on some of the dirt tracks. (You’ll likely be happiest on over 32mm gravel or ‘cross tyres).

You will be totally self-supported, riding with everything you will need to finish a ride of this length. A gpx and tcx file will be sent out to ticket holders a few days before the event, so you’ll have time to load-up a gps (there will be no signage so some kind of GPS/phone for navigation is essential)

Not all the off-road is easy to find… (Photo credit: Dan Glasser)

Good riding, good coffee, good beer… and you’re doing your bit for charity. WIN WIN WIN!