Passport help bikepackers carry water

by 4

Bikepacking framebags are great. They allow you to carry kit on your everyday ‘cross or gravel bike and disappear for a night or two. Want to ride far, and you’ll want a drink while you pedal, though. It can be tricky to fit water bottles and a frame bag in the main triangle of many bikes, especially on smaller sizes.

We like this little problem solver from Passport Cycle Accessories, launched today. Simply put, and in the company’s words:

The Passport Cage Mover enables you to move/adjust your bottle cage by 30mm.
Made from aluminium and weighing just 26g, the adaptor simply bolts on to the bottle cage bosses on your frame, with slots, that allow for adjustment. Then you bolt your cage to the adaptor with the M5 hex bolts supplied.

The Cage Mover is available from local bike shops.

More information:
Passport Cycle Accessories are distributed by Ison Distribution

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