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Follow Mike Hall One Last Time

by 2

Some of you have been fortunate enough to meet or even ride with Mike Hall, but a great many more know him through that compulsive activity of ‘dot watching’. That repetitive checking throughout the day, the last look before bed, the first look in the morning.
None of us will forget that awful morning in March where we awoke to discover that Mike’s dot had stopped moving, and the unfolding horror as we realised that we were looking at a spot which marked the end of Mike’s life.


Since then, there have been many rides – lone rides, group rides, personal pilgrimages and organised tributes – all in memory of Mike, in celebration of his life, and in an effort to #BeMoreMike. Tonight, once such ride set off to transport Mike’s ashes from his home town of Harrogate, Yorkshire, to his other home town of Abbeycwmhir in Mid-Wales, where this weekend a Memorial Weekender is happening.
Instigated by well known cycling journalist Guy Kesteven, a good friend of Mike’s, and helped along the way by Rory Hitchens of Upgrade Bikes, this #MikesLastDot ride gives you one final chance to follow Mike’s dot across the country.
Click here to view the spot tracker: #MikesLastDot
If you want to go a step further than following the dot, then head on out and meet Mike and friends along the route, as our Hannah did tonight. She even had a quiet moment carrying him along the road to a midnight bacon roll and tea stop. If you are planning on heading out to meet them, note that the riders were a mile or two ahead of the position shown on the tracker when Hannah caught up with them – so don’t miss them!
Guy stretches while Mike guards the coffee.
Guy stretches while Mike guards the coffee.

A midnight ride out to meet up with a group of strangers for a friendly ride, tea stop and sharing of trails – seems like just the kind of thing Mike would encourage.

Comments (2)

    It is not often I find myself weeping at 7.00am on a Friday morning, but that is what has happened this morning as I read the piece and looked at the tracker.

    It is not often I find myself weeping at 7.00am on a Friday morning, but that is what has happened this morning as I read the piece and looked at the tracker.

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