Home Forums Chat Forum Your worst/funniest job interview experiences…

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  • Your worst/funniest job interview experiences…
  • deadlydarcy
    Free Member

    I remember being asked by a female interviewer how she’d remember me when considering all the candidates. Bit of a bizarre one I thought but I put on my thickest Oirish accent and said I’ll be the one with the nice smile and mysterious eyes. I thought she was going to be sick, the look she gave me.

    I got offered the job.

    Probably the only time in my life I’ve ever approached being “smooth”. 🙂

    Free Member

    Offered a job after getting an interview via an agency – was meant to start on the first day of the new year but got a call on Christmas Eve telling me they didn’t want me to start as they refused to pay the agency fees. Then saw the interviewer in the local Habitat and he asked me to call him directly and he would give me the job. I told him to sail. (And I turned down a temporary Christmas job in the local music shop for that one – gutted).

    Offered a job with a creative agency and then got a call asking if I could do a quick job straight away (before my start date) as they were struggling for time. I delivered the work then got a call telling me they didn’t think I was suitable. A few weeks later I got some direct mail through the door based pretty much identically on my concepts. I sent them a bill and eventually got paid. On talking to peers it turned out they had spent months doing this – offering jobs to get free work done then withdrawing offers.

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