If you ever get the chance to try some Spanish Acorn Fed Ham – Jamon Iberico de Bellota, take it. Fiercely expensive but worth it. Must be Bellota though. You can leave your Parma, Serrano and any others.
pizza, like the ones you get from a van in a square in France or Italy on a Friday night when you can't be bothered to cook…with anchovies and olives and a beer please..merci, grazie
I found today that neoprene is a mouse's favourite food. I got to the lake this afternoon for my first windsurf of the year and one of my gloves had the little finger half chewed off. Yes, it was a bit nippy. I didn't stay too long but what I did was fun.
Oh, and my butcher tells me that when it's alive it's a pig, when it's dead it's gammon and only when it's cooked is it ham. 😉
Steak,medium rare,with a fried egg on top.
Thick cut marmalade on toast.
A decent quality pork pie,with mustard and Branston and a pint..Titanic White Star would do the trick.
It has to have:
Lightly toasted fresh bloomer with crusty er… crust
Chicken skin (chicken cooked with garlic and lemon under the skin)
Iceberg lettuce and fresh sliced tomato with ground black pepper
Outrageous dollop of mayonnaise
a la catalana
Jamon Pata Negra (the colloquial name for Jamon Iberico de Bellota) on toasted mini baguette with grated tomato and garlic. The best bit is when you remove the bread from the (stupid archaic) toaster and sprinkle olive oil on it and the bread crackles.
Iceberg lettuce? Do love a good bloomer though, licks lips and drools.
There's no flavour in it, there are lots of differnet lettuce types around, it's my least favourite. Supermarkets only stock it 'cos it 'lasts longer and travels better'.