Home Forums Bike Forum Yet another forum member wanting to make huge profit, this time 'charliefjking'

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  • Yet another forum member wanting to make huge profit, this time 'charliefjking'
  • monkeyboyjc
    Full Member

    cant see a problem with buying for cheap money and then selling on – its down to the seller what price they put on their items.
    I try to sell my stuff at ‘ebay value’, less the ebay fees – that way both the buyer and seller get a fair deal.
    as for the OP, 3k for a 2nd bike seems to be pushing it!

    Free Member

    zangolin – Member
    Another plus whatever it is for yet another sour grapes post/whining/moaning/bitching about people selling stuff for more than they paid for it from onceinalifetime.

    monkeyboyjc – Member
    cant see a problem with buying for cheap money and then selling on – its down to the seller what price they put on their items.

    Read teh rules.

    Full Member



    He has to be f’in joking…

    Free Member

    Read teh rules.

    Yea,yea – but still bitching + sour grapes about stuff going on outside of STW selling forum.

    Full Member

    Trading outside STW classifieds is covered by law also. You have rights to consumer protection when dealing with a commercial entity, these scammers are trying to avoid their responsibilities as they are a commercial undertaking.

    Free Member

    I presume your self same anti profit approach to buying + selling/dealing applies to property, cars, antiques, food, etc, etc. Somehow I don’t think it does.

    If the person clearly declares they are a trading enterprise as per the rules of here, EBAY, auto trader etc then I dont see the problem
    If they dont do this then I object.
    I dont see anyone objecting to capitalism per se just people who break rules.
    I accept some folk will accept that the pursuit of money is such a sufficiently noble goal that lieing and deception are perfectly acceptable to use in this pursuit – are you one of them zangolin?
    Why do you think they changed their name? it s because they dont want people to know they are trading?
    Again it seems from this thread most object to dishonesty – again what is your view on this ?

    Free Member

    I look at the classifieds and the forums as a whole as a community thing. Maybe I’m a naive socialist loony, but I think selling at a lowish price on the classifieds to other riders is in the good spirit of community and more what STW is about than the endless march for maximum profit.

    Free Member

    I look at the classifieds and the forums as a whole as a community thing. Maybe I’m a naive socialist loony, but I think selling at a lowish price on the classifieds to other riders is in the good spirit of community and more what STW is about than the endless march for maximum profit.


    Full Member

    The way I see it, traders are there to provide you with a service: to make the buying process an easy and enjoyable experience, for which you pay a premium. Which is fair enough – many people would have no qualms about that.

    Except in this case that’s really not what happens. In reality, you have traders masquerading as private buyers/sellers, taking all of the fairly priced S/H products out of the market, thus leaving the average buyer with little option but paying heavy premiums for the benefit of the trader only.

    It provides nothing of any worth to anyone but the trader, and is absolutely no different to ticket touting, in my opinion.

    Full Member

    Indeedy,lets be nice to each other and help keep us all riding.
    We all have tat we don’t need which others do.Circulate this stuff.
    I swapped some 7 speed shifters for chocolate. I needed a snickers more than stuff clogging up my shed.

    Full Member

    Walleater – even though it is against the rules, I don’t really object to people buying/selling for profit. What I don’t like is people lying about who they are – check out Charliefjking aka mojoman2012’s latest sale for a Turner 5 Spot. If we are all right about him being a dealer, that post is a total fabrication. He also started popping up on the bike forum asking questions – no doubt getting around the policy of some of only buying from proper STW forum users.

    If people will lie about who they are, and where the bike comes from, what else are they not truthful about? Would you expect a decent service if it all went wrong?

    Free Member

    I really dont see the issue here, as far as I can see its a guy building a bike, taking a financial risk to sell on etc. OK I understand the classifieds rules but if he has the time etc to do so lets not get enraged just dont buy it.

    Free Member

    In order to not buy it you would need to know what they are doing and they lie about this. The issues is it breaks the rules of the forum and they lie about what they are doing.

    I cannot believe some folk think it is ok to lie about what you are doing, break the rules of the forum and then they defend it.

    Still it makes it easy to know who to avoid doing “business” with.

    Full Member

    It is mis-selling. Lies in an advert. Charlie/mojoman claims to be selling his pride and joy to pay for Dental work and go down to one bike. On his other threads, he is actively buying 2 more frames, and his new forum name is only a week old. I wouldn’t buy a paper from him, let alone trust him with a Mojo HD!!!

    Free Member

    It’s not mis selling at all, just lies.

    I don’t know why you let crap like this bother you. You have complained to the mods?

    Free Member

    I look at the classifieds and the forums as a whole as a community thing. Maybe I’m a naive socialist loony, but I think selling at a lowish price on the classifieds to other riders is in the good spirit of community and more what STW is about than the endless march for maximum profit.


    I’ve given a couple of cars away before, once specifically as a favour to someone who was hard up. I’ve also used Freecycle a fair amount. Blatant trading via private classified ads is against the spirit of the forum IMO.

    Free Member

    Hi all,
    In reply to this thread I think it’s a bit of an unfounded accusation.
    I am an 18 year old student and I work in a bike shop. I’m lucky enough to have had, and currently own a large selection of bikes as building and riding is my passion. I used to race dh at my track and ride every weekend at my local trail centre or dirt jumps. My mum, girlfriend, step dad and twin brother all also ride so we have 12 bikes currently in our garage!
    Regards selling 3 bikes in two weeks, I’m cutting down to one bike for the summer. I also lost a tooth in an assault that has cost me 1750 smackers to replace so need to free up some cash.
    The reason the five is for sale- I had wanted an intense tracer 2 for ages so I bought the one you mentioned from pinkbike and built it up but it was too small. I eventually bought this as a replacement as I couldn’t find a decent medium at a good price, but managed to pick one up after I had bought this five. I have now sold my small frame and looking forward to building my medium for next weekend with all the same parts off the small bike.
    A STW user bought my ibis mojo from me and I’m sure would be prepared to vouch for me (and my new tooth!) All of the above can be proved if necessary and I don’t really think it is anybody’s place to start a thread about me based on nothing!
    Also, I do apologise for not replying to emails but I had a very busy period of A-level exams and I was working like crazy so must have missed them among the crap I get in from facebook, ebay, etc.etc. I apologise for that.
    But thanks for your faith in fellow riders!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Honestly, who cares.

    Can you curtain twitchers report the guy and stop bitching.

    Free Member

    I am more than happy to provide STW with proof of everything I have said and then all this can be put to bed.

    Free Member

    pics of your mum please

    Free Member

    I’m with Al.

    Literally – we’re getting hitched.

    I love him.

    Free Member


    wot we complaining about?..

    Free Member

    if you tell me how to post pictures on here and I’ll put one up of us all riding in the forest of dean 2 months ago and coed y brenin last year!! my mum has a lovely women’s marin wolf ridge in pink!

    Free Member

    my mum has a lovely women’s marin wolf ridge in pink!

    Finbar Saunders would have a field day with that one

    Free Member

    Got a pic of the pink Marin wolf ridge (with your mum on it)?

    Free Member

    Not fussed about your mum’s pink Marin, but I do want a picture of Al and Bullheart. 😳

    Free Member

    There was an item about lynch mobs in South Africa on the news today

    Free Member

    Bullie’s wearing the dress…

    Free Member

    Yes I do- riding the beast of Brenin and the freeminers and verderers trails. along with me, my girlfriend and my step dad (and several of my mates when we were in brenin too). We are a very active family- we all bike and sail most weekends and we take our hobbies very seriously. I’m not even sure why I am telling you any of this. I will just let you all have your little rant on here and justify myself to STW instead. At the end of the day none of you have to buy from me and I don’t really care what you think. Maybe some of you should just get out and ride more.

    Free Member

    point to where you were touched

    Free Member

    we all bike and sail most weekends

    so you are a busy A level student without enough time to check e-mails, you bike or sail most weekends and you work in a bike shop to afford all your bikes….did I miss anything out?

    Free Member

    Maybe I’ve mis-read something but where in the rules does it say you can’t make a profit?
    Plenty of sponsored guys on here selling their old race kit that they were either given or paid trade for making ‘HUGE PROFIT’ shock horror. If somebody is willing to pay the price your asking then its their call not for others to critise how much they are selling and for how much.

    Free Member

    Maybe I’ve mis-read something but where in the rules does it say you can’t make a profit?

    “The Classified Forum is not a place where users can trade parts bought elsewhere and then sold at a profit.”

    Free Member

    If i’ve bought elsewhere and used said parts for a period of time (x) does that count?
    And if that’s the case I know loads of forum memebers who don’t giveaway kit!

    Free Member

    I really don’t give a crap either way but I would like to know 1 thing, why the change of username?

    Full Member

    And if we are to believe you, that you as a student just happen to have upwards of 10 high end bikes from your family to sell, and you need the money to fund your dental treatment, why are you still actively buying bikes?

    Free Member

    So you are under 19 and in full time Educaton (doing A levels)

    Happy days….. Free Dental Care for You !!

    No need to sell your bikes to pay a £1750 bill 🙄

    1-0 to mojoman I believe. You’re serve onceinalifetime

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