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  • XD hub help
  • jonba
    Free Member

    I’ve just bought wheels and an XD cassette. But they don’t fit together. Trying to work out if one of them is faulty or if I’ve managed to make a mistake.

    The splines on the hub are all the same size. There is no small spline and large gap as can be seen on this picture.


    However the cassette does have on small slot and one large spline that means it doesn’t fit.

    I have bought and XD wheelset and an XD hub but is there some variant that means I’ve got this wrong or has someone messed up a design. Seems odd that either company would have done but…

    Full Member

    Post up a pic of the freehub if you can. You haven’t got the road version instead, have you?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The freehub is described as XD/XDR compatible.

    Free Member

    the slots on a Sram cassette are all the same width… what cassette have you got?

    Free Member

    one of the ztto ones 🙁

    I’m now really confused, is there an official SRAM design. I don’t understand how two items described as XD don’t fit together.

    Free Member

    it’s the cassette that’s the issue then.

    Free Member

    A Sram (or Garbaruk) cassette will fit on either design of XD freehub (Sram-style or Nukeproof style)

    But a ZTTO cassette will only go on the Nukeproof style.

    Free Member

    Take a photo of the cassette from front and back and maybe we can spot the issue?

    Full Member

    XD vs XDR makes no difference, just need an small spacer behind the cassette to run an XD cassette on XDR, splines are the same.

    Free Member

    That should fit just fine.

    (hopefully you can make out the smaller spline, just left of centre. It’s more visible on the xd freehub in the image in post 2, but it should be there on an xdr too as my screen shot)

    Free Member

    Yes, I’ve seen conflicting pictures which has left me baffled. I found a SRAM video that said the only difference was the length along the axle and the need for a spacer XDR to make it XD.

    I naively assumed that a standard would be, you know, standard…

    Wheels are superstarcomponents (custom) and the cassette ztto so neither easy to sort out.

    Free Member

    In fairness the freehub isn’t likely to be problematic to sort of its at issue and if its an SS hub. If its wrong, IME, they’re pretty good at sorting things but they do stick by their guns when it’s not their fault.

    will generally respond on here and, assuming certain others don’t turn up on the thread will be very helpful. If and when those others do turn up though expect poo to be flung in all directions over something known only to those involved but to contemporary to the building of the pyramids I think

    The XD standard is a standard though and it’s open too so no need for a botch “almost but not quite, just outside of patent” solution…

    Free Member

    Its the cassette….

    OK, the XD standard originally had all the same splines but alot of people who cold formed their freehubs just used the blanks from shimano HG, machined to the XD shape. Then several people made aftermarket cassettes with HG style fittings for XD which was technically wrong. but now it looks like everyone is moving to HG type to make it all not a problem no matter if you use a badly copied cassette or a correctly made one.

    We are changing over to HG splines for future runs of XD as we are moving to cold forming, in the meantime you can just file a spline off to make the ZTTO cassette work.

    As for why you would need a timing spline on a 1 piece XD cassette… that tells you the cassette maker got it wrong and it should be syymmetrical.

    did someone say standard??? surely not!

    Neil, Superstar Components.

    Full Member

    What we need is for someone to develop a new free hub that solves all these issues…..🤔

    Free Member

    And he’s right you know, sram xg cassettes don’t have a smaller spline (explains why I’ve never noticed since I’ve only ever had sram cassettes) but it seems that they’ve revised the freehub to suit third party “botched” manufacturing (I guess already having HG standard tooling it saves money vs fully retooling, or they had boxes of expander rings no one wanted to buy off course)

    Thank you Neil, every day is a school day.

    Free Member


    I did wonder why you would need the timing spline when they are 1 piece.

    Not sure about taking a file to a new bit of kit, it might work out the most cost effective option if I can’t get anything out of ZTTO. Might be waiting a while for an official SRAM cassette, not sure about VAT on the garbaruk ones could end up being far more expensive than a new Freehub and SRAM cassette when they eventually land.

    Full Member

    Have a look at the e13 cassettes, they slide on in two pieces, the back bit sort of clamps in place and the front attaches to it. Think bikester had some for about £200.

    Full Member

    If anyone else ends up searching for this, I’ve just got a ztto 9-42 11 speed xd cassette off Aliexpress. It has the HG spline pattern as described above and I’m trying to fit it to Superstar v6 hubs.
    In the end I borrowed a dremel and in about 5 mins managed to widen the appropriate slot on the cassette enough for it to fit the hub. It’s about 7mm deep and I used a “milling” type head on the dremel. I don’t think a file would work, as the cassette thread is close behind it and sits slightly proud.
    It now seems to fit OK handtight. I’m off the bike at the mo so will fit it properly and see how it goes.

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