Off to Annecy in August with the family. I’m considering taking my mountain bike (either Specialized Chisel or Epic Evo) and doing some riding (children are adults so time). I’ve started trawling local info, but any recommendations for rides? I would rather do long xc stuff with flowing trails as on my own, either gravel type rides. Quite like to get high up if weather permitting. Ta.
Off to Buckinghamshire this weekend. Considering taking mountain bike (specialized epic EVO) and doing some riding (but it’s pointless cos children are 4 and 2 yrs and I’m permanently knackered).
Can’t help you with trail advice, just encouragement. Definitely take a bike. Enjoy. Jealous
When I was there a few years ago, you could buy a cheap ticket on the bus that goes up Mt Semnoz and hang your bike inside at the back.
There is a VTT route back towards town. I found some more fun stuff by following the signs that said Non VTT instead, then found a nice path that came out further down the lake.
On day 2 I was joined on the bus by 5 fast frenchies. After I asked in, my best pigeon French 'ooaay le best trails' I was shown some of the best riding I had ever done but none of that was XC!
So, try the VTT then go explore. Whatever happens, you will start off with an amazing view and end up with a swim in a blue lake, hopefully after a cold Leffe, whats not to love
Yep I'm pretty sure the bus still goes up Semnoz. We did the same as @Mugboo and asked some French riders at the top who said follow us and hit up some good trails. That was 8 years ago and we still ride with these French guys when we visit the area.
@John_Key I know this would be a huge coincedence but does one of them work at Salomen?
This chap was dressed head to toe in team kit and to my untrained eye looked like Jerome Clementz. This made me a bit nervous to ask about the good stuff just in case they invited me along!
Anyways, it all worked out for the best, there was no way I could have kept up with him or his mate Tomas but I was ok with the other 3 riders
@mugboo I don't think so, but the guys we rode with were fast plus did some drops I wasn't keen on! Such a good scene there, apart from the place being over run by French tourists and Dutch campers
Thanks for the info guys. I’ll have a look at Komoot too.