That guy is a dude! Had to watch it again to spot the ipod stowing mid fight. Years ago I was accosted in Moss Side at 2am on way home with a young lady who I’d met in a club and was obviously drunker than I was as she’d agreed to accompany me home.
Two guys lept out from behind a parked van. One had a gun. No idea if it was a replica, it looked pretty real. I just said that we’ll give you what you want and no trouble, lets get this over and done with as quick as possible. They took my watch (worthless), my wallet (empty, hence why I was walking around MS at 2am) and her purse (turns out she’d had £20 which she’s kept shtum about when I’m bemoaning lack of money for a cab). Then the guy who didn’t have the gun started making salacious remarks about the girl and whether she might prefer alternative male company to me. I though shite and fixed guy with the gun with a glance, said we’d given them what they wanted and that we’re going to go home now, grabbed the girl and started walking. All the time thinking any moment now…
Annoyingly I had to walk past my own front door (no point in showing them the house where I lived). Firtunately they sodded off, but my post club fun and games was ruined.
Anyway, I’ll stop whittering 😉
That guy on the bus should get a medal!