Home Forums Chat Forum Wow- What would YOU do if the gun was pointed in your face?

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  • Wow- What would YOU do if the gun was pointed in your face?
  • hora
    Free Member


    I think I’d murmmur ‘mummy’ and hand over everything!

    Free Member

    I ran like the wind, seriously I have never run so fast in my life.

    Free Member

    If they are that close, they don’t know shit. In that case go for it. 😉

    But in reality I’d probably freeze. 😳

    Free Member

    On a related note, did anyone hear the frankly stunning interview with Ingrid Loyau-Kennett on PM on R4 last night? Describing the aftermath of the Lee Rigby murder, where she was one of the first on the scene, with gut wrenching clarity and calm. She’s apparently suffering with PTSO now, but sounded so strong with it. I wish her every good fortune.

    Free Member

    I think I’d laugh unconrolably 😐

    Free Member

    Ha, messed with the wrong dude!

    Free Member

    Love the way he puts his phone in his pocket while holding the gun with his other hand!

    Free Member

    Check if it says “REPLICA” on the side….

    Full Member

    On a related note, did anyone hear the frankly stunning interview with Ingrid Loyau-Kennett…

    Didn’t hear it, but there’s a George Medal candidate, right there.

    Full Member

    On a related note, did anyone hear the frankly stunning interview with Ingrid Loyau-Kennett on PM on R4 last night? Describing the aftermath of the Lee Rigby murder, where she was one of the first on the scene, with gut wrenching clarity and calm. She’s apparently suffering with PTSO now, but sounded so strong with it. I wish her every good fortune.

    Yes. Incredible. I was in the car in traffic and sat in awed silence, before exclaiming to everyone and no-one that she’s a *** hero.

    What a wonderful woman.

    Full Member

    I had a short ginger angry Scotsman point a revolver at me in a hotel bar in Kirkcudbright once while he told the 2 girls he was trying to impress that he’d put the drinks on my room. I’d had enough to drink not to worry but not enough to do anything stupid. I just nodded and then ignored him.

    Free Member

    do what they do in the movies and somehow move my head just as the trigger is pulled…..then roundhouse kick agent smith in the head and go and make sweet lovin to carrie anne moss – then wake up in hospital with all my brain matter missing.

    Free Member

    I don’t think the woman in purple really needed those crutches.

    Free Member

    Stay where i am and wish id studied harder at languages.

    Had an angry army man with a gun pointin it in my truck door at a check point in eg shouting empressa

    His gun barrel was selotaped together but i wasnt quite sure i he understood the rammifications of firing it in this state.

    Turns out empressa means – employer in spanish.

    Free Member

    Yes. Incredible. I was in the car in traffic and sat in awed silence, before exclaiming to everyone and no-one that she’s a *** hero.

    What a wonderful woman.

    Indeed. I was listening on the train, mouth wide open in awe at her calm strength. As above, it’s people like her, and the mother and daughter Amanda Donnelly and Gemma Donnelly-Martin for whom the George Cross was made.

    Free Member

    Lol’d when he put his ipod away whilst fighting the gunman 😆

    Full Member

    It doesn’t look like he considered it much, just reacted.

    I thought the use of an accomplice on crutches to steal all the bags while he distracted everyone was nifty though.

    Full Member

    He was interviewed on the TV this morning (in USA) and he seemed like a quite unassuming guy who just reacted. He said that he definitely wouldn’t do it again and he was on the same bus the next day. Still very cool!

    Full Member

    That guy is a dude! Had to watch it again to spot the ipod stowing mid fight. Years ago I was accosted in Moss Side at 2am on way home with a young lady who I’d met in a club and was obviously drunker than I was as she’d agreed to accompany me home.

    Two guys lept out from behind a parked van. One had a gun. No idea if it was a replica, it looked pretty real. I just said that we’ll give you what you want and no trouble, lets get this over and done with as quick as possible. They took my watch (worthless), my wallet (empty, hence why I was walking around MS at 2am) and her purse (turns out she’d had £20 which she’s kept shtum about when I’m bemoaning lack of money for a cab). Then the guy who didn’t have the gun started making salacious remarks about the girl and whether she might prefer alternative male company to me. I though shite and fixed guy with the gun with a glance, said we’d given them what they wanted and that we’re going to go home now, grabbed the girl and started walking. All the time thinking any moment now…

    Annoyingly I had to walk past my own front door (no point in showing them the house where I lived). Firtunately they sodded off, but my post club fun and games was ruined.

    Anyway, I’ll stop whittering 😉

    That guy on the bus should get a medal!

    Free Member

    Best bit was the woman with the crutches!

    Free Member

    Give them my things as its not worth the risk

    A gun is a long range weapon and up close up its not that hard to quickly deflect the gun – they dont expect an attack either- then hit them [ eyes throat groin IMHO] but it is just not worth the risk as you will likely end up dead if it goes wrong

    Same with a knife I know what to do if I have to but I am only doing it if they actually swing at me as its still a knife.

    Having never experienced it I may indeed just whimper

    Free Member

    Move quickly forward a step, at the same time taking the attacker’s gun arm over the right shoulder with the left hand whilst moving the right hand to encircle the waist. Put the hip and right foot through then turn smoothly left and down, taking the attacker to the ground over the hip.

    Pummel until ready.

    Or apply pressure to the neck under the jawline with “leopard-paw” strike until you hear the scream for mercy, if you’re feeling “humanitarian”…

    Free Member

    Deflect the gun while plunging my tactical pen deep into his temple. 8)

    This may be pure fantasy and the reality may involve changing my underwear a week sooner than planned. 😕

    Free Member

    As above – generally fantasy.

    I don’t know about others but the scroats where I live never operate alone, more usually in groups of 3+.

    Most of them are pussys but it’s different when there’s 3 onto one innit.

    Full Member

    I’d rather face a gun up close than a knife!

    Free Member

    Guy with ipod was very .. very lucky!!

    Both victim and guy with gun were taken by surprise.
    Deff would have kept the punching going a bit longer once guy with gun was subdued ..better too much than too little.

    Free Member

    Deep down I would really want to do what that guy did, but I would have tried hard to stop myself because I know I shouldn’t.

    When burglars broke into my garage I didn’t think of ANYTHING at all, I went tearing down the stairs and tried to get out of the door. Not sure if I would have done anything really violent or not, but I might’ve given how fired up I was and how little conscious thought was happening.

    Free Member

    I’ve done a certain amount of training in disarming people with firearms and pointy things but have only had to use it on 2 people with knives. The gist of it is to move quickly off line and get in close and to the side/rear. There’s a big variety of techniques for either taking the weapon or turning it to face its owner. I reckon they can be effective if the person doing it is confident and well practiced. And lucky.

    Faced with a firearm I’d do as I was told unless a very clear opportunity arose to take action. Same with a knife.

    Full Member

    I’d probably say something sarcastic in an attempt to be funny, then get shot in the face.

    Free Member

    Houns – Member
    I’d rather face a gun up close than a knife!

    I wouldn’t.

    Free Member

    Yossarian – I can imagine grabbing the gun and moving out of the way, which would lead to a struggle – not sure how that would end up. But I’d be afraid on a crowded bus that someone’d end up squeezing the trigger and shooting someone else.

    Full Member

    I think I’d rather face a gun up close than a knife, the thought of getting cut/stabbed makes me feel pretty queasy, but I’ve always been around guns (albeit legal ones, shotguns, rifles and the odd pistol), so they don’t scare me so much for some reason. I’ve had a knife since I was a pretty young kid too, but there’s jsut something about cutting human flesh that I don’t like the idea of…….

    I’d like to think I’d react and disable/disarm someone, but the reality is I’d probably be very diplomatic/patronising and do whatever they wanted.

    Free Member

    Does he get something from the lady further up the bus?

    Free Member

    Wow. Lucky someone didn’t get shot. Do we know if it was a real gun, the guy seemed quite spaced out ?

    What would I do, don’t know. The wrong choice and you’re dead.

    Free Member

    Just watched it.

    Talking of spaced out how come the bint that’s waving, continues to wave having knocked the gun as the guy strolled past?!?!?

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