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  • Would you eat….
  • Steve-Austin
    Free Member

    Lets get some facts into this
    'only 62 cases have been recognized between 1922 and 2005' from here:

    If you read the study you'll see that the incidents of botulism were caused by home preserving of several different food items.

    I would eat the Salmon. You would have more chance of winning the lottery than catching anything from it

    Free Member

    Whats with the vinegar? I've always used it when mashing up canned salmon for a sandwich because my Dad always does…no idea why tho…someone give me science

    Free Member

    Food standards agency. I'd have thought they'd be experts on it.

    Thats were you are going wrong!! Such people are typicaly too risk averse and lacking common sense. They are the sort of jobsworths who are going to lose their jobs in the great public sector clear out that is so long overdue. Use and sell by dates are irrelevant for most stuff for several weeks and longer for dried or tinned stuff.

    Anyway, whats wrong with food poisening – its a super relaible way to lose weight.

    Free Member

    Whats with the vinegar? I've always used it when mashing up canned salmon for a sandwich because my Dad always does…no idea why tho…someone give me science

    you might as well ask why have vinegar on chips, its just a good combination.

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