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  • Working hours advice
  • thejesmonddingo
    Full Member

    Or me,finish 21:00,back on at 07:15,these are standard shifts.

    Free Member

    thejesmonddingo / sweepy – both working illegal shifts? Why?

    these shift were phased out in the NHS where I work 10 years ago

    Free Member

    TBH mate I think its because people like it that way, and change comes slowly this far from centre

    Full Member

    The NHS I work in allows you to take the 11 hours rest or opt out and take the cash, it's up to you and you can pick and choose on each occasion it happens.

    Free Member

    TJ you win the 'Wolfy Smith' award for the most militant person on STW 😀

    I completely agree with everything you're saying about employment law. But I would also add that there is employment law and then there is the real world and while they should overlap 100%, they rarely do.

    Free Member

    CASH! – no one told me about any cash, its just what we do. Might have to look into that

    Full Member

    CASH! – no one told me about any cash, its just what we do. Might have to look into that

    You work overtime you get cash, simple.

    Free Member

    Sounds like a typical situation I would find myself in when I was in large system support. It took me over 20 years of trying to get away from all that nonsense. That was around 5 years ago. I've been struggling to get work ever since.

    Employers take the fxxking piss!

    Either accept this, or work damned hard to get a job where you are only expected to do a sensible working week.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the above discussion, as I work for a private sector company are there any unions that I can join?

    Also the original job was supposed to be an up & back in a day affair it ran over after as things took longer than 'management' envisaged, if it wasn't for the fact I'm on medication I'd've booked an hotel on the company credit card.

    Full Member

    You can also mention corporate manslaughter charges will follow if the working practices lead to a death (either driving or at work).
    T&G will accept you or their staff section.

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