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  • Wisdom Teeth
  • uphillcursing
    Free Member

    Just had two lower wisdom teeth out. Had a nice cup of tea and a bowl of Pasta/prawns.
    Will I be right to go for a gentle ride in the morning or am I going to suffer once the local wears off?

    Full Member

    whole world of hurt coming your way when the local wears off 😳

    Free Member

    Bugger. Was begining to think it was all BS and I had been given two weeks Biking/fishing/windsurfing leave.

    Free Member

    I had all 4 out under local and no issues. Eating normally and back to work the next day.

    Full Member

    joking! it might not be a world of pain but it will ache like hell later this afternoon.

    I’d say the increased blood flow will not do you any favours either, wound needs to heal up not have increased blood pumping through it…

    Free Member

    I had all my wisdoms out and 2 molars that were impacting. Got some lovely tramadol. Woooooo!

    Full Member

    Had one out last year, no major pain the next day and could certainly have gone for a ride (can’t remember if I did or not…)

    But I think it does depend on how difficult the extraction was, mine was easy.

    Free Member

    depends how bad the extraction was, if you just had them pulled out under local then you’ll probably be ok.

    If they sedated you and had to remove a load of bone from around the socket and break the tooth to avoid any nerve damage then yeah, you’re in for a world of hurt.

    Dry socket is about the most painful thing i’ve ever experienced, I thought my whole head was going to explode.

    Free Member

    Yes, think it depends on the extraction. My wisdom teeth were extracted in hospital by a maxillo facial surgeon. The single molar removed by the dentist was far more painful.

    Free Member

    Had em done in hospital under general. Oddly also have been given masses of Local in lower jaw.

    Both impacted and no one has wanted to touch them before. Does not bode well i think.

    Full Member

    Make sure you follow their instructions cleaning, what to avoid eating etc.

    I didn’t and got something called “dry socket” – google it. It is without doubt, the most painful thing I have ever felt. Even with a double dose of tramadol and 3 nurofen extras I was still in agony.

    Must type faster – beaten to the dry socket story already

    Free Member

    Ah yeah, have they stitched your cheek to your gum or not?

    That was about the most annoying thing ever, I was getting really annoyed by it, thought it would be a good idea to go for a ride and decided that the stitches had to go.

    Got home, cut them out and got dry socket about 3 days later THE PAIN IS WORSE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE

    Free Member

    Cheers for the heads up Chaps. I dont feel the cheek being stitched to the gum. Still pumped full of local nine hour after the opp. Not sure if blessing due to no discomfort at all or a major inconvenience. I suppose I will know more in the morning.

    The dry socket thing sounds nasty. I was briefed on it but it seemed to me that poking around the wound with and dislodging the clot was the cause.

    Free Member

    How about an update?

    Free Member

    2 weeks off work! I had both lowers removed, stitches both sides, full general anaesthetic… Back to work the next day barely able to talk! And that’s back to work with old people who despite you telling them that you can’t talk they still rabbit on!

    Free Member

    An update you say. Well its bloody sore at the moment. Been eating solid food from waking up from the general anesthetic so that is a positive.

    Would not fancy having to go to work though. Thought I would catch up on some bike chores when I had the chance. Bending over makes the buggers throb I can tell you. Other than that I have been VERY careful not to dislodge the clots as you have me running scared of the dry socket scenario. Doubt I will get out for a ride at the weekend. So much for a free week off!
    Oh and the pills are pretty effective at taking me elsewhere! :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I had the one out last year and the pain was unbelievable and lasted for at least 5/6 days!!! Also had to go back to dentist for the wound to be cleaned up twice! And i done what the dentist suggested! One of the most awful experiences of my life!!!

    Now i must remember to clean my teeth and use those tiny brushes for my gums!!!

    Free Member

    My experience, as quoted from another thread:

    JoeG – Member

    Had mine out over 20 years ago. All 4 removed at once under general anesthetic, 2 were impacted IIRC.

    I was probably the most miserable that I have ever been afterward. Swelling was terrible; so swollen that my jaw couldn’t be in its “normal” rest position, so the muscles ached. The stitches in my mouth felt like they were made of heavy rope. They were so annoying that I removed them myself the next day with needle nosed pliers! (Yes, I’m a model patient). That did not make my mom real happy; she called the dental surgeon in a real panic! But, I survived. I had bruising on my neck for at least 3 weeks afterward.

    Glad its only a one time thing!!!

    Free Member

    Yep, had all 4 out under general anaesthetic 20 years ago. Was pretty miserable as they had to saw them up to get them out. It took a good week or so before I was feeling anywhere near normal.

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