Home Forums Bike Forum Winter boots (road)… worth it?

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  • Winter boots (road)… worth it?
  • thisisnotaspoon
    Free Member

    I’ve got the northwave boots, the artic versions infact. Unless it’s actually HOT, like 35C and grannies are dying HOT, they’re fine, upto ~20C they’re fine. Equally I’ve never gotten more than ‘a bit cool’ even in snow.

    Gore-tex rocks.

    Mine are the MTB version though. Not tried it on the road but the sole isn’t the stiffest, might give you issues if you’re out for 5 hours or more? But on the other hand, I’d not want to be walking round an icy car park in road shoes!

    Free Member

    Still trying to figure out which to get. Bit puzzled that a lot of manufacturers seem to have vents in the solesof their winter boots (Specialized for example). Looks like they use the soles of other shoes in the range. I guess I could tape them up but it seem like a silly idea for a shoe that’s meant to be waterproof and warm. Experiences…?

    Free Member

    Has anyone any experience of the Lake CX145? They look kinda cool, like something Morten Harket would have worn…

    They’re waterproof (inc sealed cleat slots) but not that warm. I use my MX145s as autumn/spring boots,and extra socks for mild winter. Lake 303s are saved for the chilliest sub zero temps. With woolie boolies they’re warm at -10c.

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